
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Topics - tim arnot

November 05, 2022, 07:02:22 PM
MS have changed the location of airport "friendly names" in Sim Update 11. As a result you will have problems with a database built for MSFS Sim Update 11. But there is a workaround:

1. Create a backup of your Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\AircraftNames.db file
(this will probably get destroyed in the build, so you'll need to copy it back later)

2. Open the Build Database Dialog and click on Settings.

3. Find the MSFS LocPak entry (near the bottom) and click Browse.

4. Browse to (msfs2020)\Official\OneStore\fs-base-genericairports\en-US.locPak and click Open. (the path will depend on where you have installed MSFS)

You should now be able to build your database. Once it's done, copy back the AircraftNames.db file.

There will be a permanent fix in the next update.
Plan-G / Previous Version Links
October 22, 2022, 06:04:12 PM
Older versions of Plan-G are still available for download. Please be aware that these may not be supported, or work as expected. Some features & fixes will not be present.

Current build

Previous Builds.
Plan-Gv4 (build 258)

Plan-Gv3 (not supported - use at your own risk. But includes XP versions)

Plan-G / X-Plane 12
September 08, 2022, 12:43:20 AM
Please keep your X-Plane 11 database for the time being.

If you build rebuild the database for X-Plane 12, right now you'll end up with 0 airports. (if you've already done this, Plan-G has made a backup, and you can simply copy Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\Plan-G_NavDataXPL_Bak.db to Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\Plan-G_NavDataXPL.db and things will be back to the way they were.)

There will be an update to Plan-G soon to fix the problem. Please check back here regularly for more information.
Plan-G / Build 262
July 17, 2022, 07:29:57 PM
Available from the usual place.

v4.0.1 (Build 262)
* Fixed text overlap on Range Rings ribbon
* Added "Show Extended Centrelines" option to the Flight Plan context menu (for airport waypoints)
  If multiple airports are highlighted in the plan, all selected airports will show extended runways.
* Added alert on startup if the active nav database does not have the current schema
* Add code page support for Windows 1252
* Database build errors now include the path to the log file
* Fixed move intermediate waypoint in edit mode did not update the flight plan correctly
* Added more logging during startup
* Fixed unhandled airport subrecord errors introduced by the last MSFS update
* AirspaceInBounds now logs the current zoom level
* Partial fix: Changing Windows colour profile away from defaults can cause the program to crash at various points
  (Recommend only use the default IEC61966-2.1 profile)
* Added import v3 (xml) aircraft profiles
* Added folder column to airports table (for addon checking). Note: Rebuild databases!
* Added ability to specify the MSFS LocPak for data localisation
Plan-G / Build 259.
February 18, 2022, 11:08:32 AM
Available from the usual place. Direct link:

This build contains a major database build fix for bgl-based sims (FS9/X/2020, P3D), so please be sure to rebuild those databases after the update.

Thanks also to Ben for providing the German translations in this build. Other languages are still required, please see the Translations thread)
Plan-G / Build 258
January 30, 2022, 10:03:14 AM
Now available from the usual place. (Direct link: )

Apologies to anyone that downloaded build 257 yesterday - it had a bad version number string, and reported as 256 (so you would still be nagged by the update check).

BTW, I'm still looking for people to translate the v4 changes into other languages. Please see the next post down if you can help.
Plan-G / Build 255
December 04, 2021, 04:24:17 PM
Now available:

(release notes are on the download page)
V4 Beta / Build 251 and later
September 30, 2021, 11:17:28 PM
Please note, Plan-G v4 release builds are now available from the main site.

The built-in update notification will be reactivated shortly.
V4 Beta / Plan-G Build 247 Download
August 26, 2021, 06:21:44 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 247. New users, please read this before installing. To install, simply unzip the download to the folder of your choice. Please rename or move any earlier versions of Plan-G before installing this one. (i.e., do not overwrite older files.)

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder.

Translations: If you can help with translating Plan-G into new languages, or updating the existing translations, please send me a PM, or reply to this thread.

Please see previous release notes and the readme file for details and explanations of new features.

v4.0.0 (build 247)
* Fixed IAS incorrect when using SimConnect 2 connection
* Now requires 60 seconds or a change in aircraft before a reconnect will start a new logbook flight
* Fixed logbook flight totals were not being updated
* Fixed repeated connect-disconnect if Simconnect timeout = 0
* Updated IVAO connection to use new v2 Whazzup/JSON format
* Activated IVAO poll interval setting in Options (minimum: 15 seconds)
* Fixed some settings did not get saved when the application closed
* The first time Plan-G is run, Settings values get updated from the previous version
* Fixed various UI style issues
* EC135 in MSFS now shows as a helicopter
* Updated QuickStart


Sample MSFS Profiles link (as per build 240):!AkfXrd8YzuWw7FSi18nc-ypKvHXN?e=BpuVnb
Plan-G / Translations
August 26, 2021, 05:59:00 PM
Please let me know if you can help with translating Plan-G into other languages (you can reply to this thread, or send me a PM)

Existing languages and their status is as follows:

LanguageCurrent VersionStatus
Italianv3.2Needs Updating
JapanesePartialNeeds Completing
Spanishv3.2Needs Updating

If your language is not included above, and you feel that you can help to translate it (there are approximately 1240 text strings), please also get in touch.
I will keep this first message updated with the current status.
V4 Beta / Plan-G v4 Build 246 Download
August 01, 2021, 03:00:56 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 246. New users, please read this before installing. To install, simply unzip the download to the folder of your choice. Please rename or move any earlier versions of Plan-G before installing this one. (i.e., do not overwrite older files.)

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder. (please note, the quick start still refers to DotNet Core 3, which is no longer relevant.)

MSFS and X-Plane users: please rebuild your navigation databases.

Please see previous release notes and the readme file for details and explanations of new features.

v4.0.0 (build 246 - beta)
Added support for bgl format changes in MSFS Sim Update 5

v4.0.0 (build 245 - beta)
* Fixed X-Plane database build had lots of airports with 0,0 lat/lon in the latest sim update
* Fixed error on typo in a runway number in the latest X-Plane update
* Added pilot report grouped by country
* Fixed lastUpdateTime was not initialised from a mid air start, resulting in some massively large times & distances in the logbook
* (MSFS) missing country codes assigned for 4-character airports
* (MSFS) fake "airports" that are really points of interest are no longer in the database
* Fixed flight plan active leg menu did not appear if connection to sim made while the flight plan window was open
* Logbook dialog text is now localisable
* Changed to DotNet 5.0, Self-Contained mode (does not require the user to download DotNet separately, although it does make the download file much larger)
* Simconnect message timeout now settable from Connect Options (does a disconnect/reconnect if there's no response to a message)

v4.0.0 (build 244 - beta)
* Implemented a timeout on Simconnect data requests
* Quick Destination dialog now shows a route preview on the map
* Direction buttons for Random Destination Options now have tooltips
* Fixed some water runways had incorrect surface
* Fixed some STARs didn't appear in the STAR picker dialog
* Fixed 'set as active leg' menu sometimes appeared when sim was not connected
* Fixed  attempting to open pdf files (manual etc) threw an error under DotNet Core
* PFD now displays 3 speeds (g/s, IAS, TAS) in left panel


Sample MSFS Profiles link (as per build 240):!AkfXrd8YzuWw7FSi18nc-ypKvHXN?e=BpuVnb
V4 Beta / Build 243 Download
May 31, 2021, 06:27:34 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 243. New users, please read this before installing.

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder.

MSFS and X-Plane users: please rebuild your navigation databases.

Minimal changes, primarily to cix a CTD on startup for new users, and database problems caused by Asobo changing the file formats of instrument procedures. Please note that due to a change in the way STARs are presented in Plan-G, X-Plane users will also need to rebuild their database.

Please see previous release notes and the readme file for details and explanations of new features.

v4.0.0 (build 243 - beta)
* Fixed Logbook ribbon toggle buttons remained 'on' if windows were closed from the dialog
* Pilot Aircraft report now includes totals in hours
* Added support for bgl format changes in MSFS Sim Update 4
* Fixed attempt to access the logbook database before checking the data folder exists
* Fixed CTD with certain database errors
* Fixed default MSFS STARS did not get written to the database
* Reorganised STAR picker dialog to show endpoints (runway no or 'all') - MSFS & X-Plane
* Added tooltip to flight plan line showing heading and distance for each leg


Sample MSFS Profiles link (as per build 240):!AkfXrd8YzuWw7FSi18nc-ypKvHXN?e=BpuVnb
V4 Beta / Build 242 Download
May 22, 2021, 05:00:39 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 242. New users, please read this before installing.

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder.

A bunch more logbook reports, plus the ability to edit, add, & delete flight data. You can also import .igc format breadcrumb trails. This is somewhat experimental, although I have imported around 150 past flights, so there is a reasonable chance of success. It will fail though if it can't find the aircraft used for the flight (it does write what it was looking for in the log), so you'll need to set that up beforehand: - an Aircraft Profile with the make & model, and an Airframe with the tail number.

For tabular report data, you can select rows and copy them to the clipboard using the usual keyboard commands (ctrl-A, ctrl-C etc), and then paste them into Notepad, Excel etc., for printing or further formatting.

Also added is Winds Aloft. This used data from the NOAA servers, and provides wind speed & direction at various altitudes up to 40,000ft, including ground level. It's displayed at 1 degree intervals, using the standard 'wind barb' symbols. The servers update four times per day, at roughly 6 hour intervals. This is accessed from the View ribbon.
There's now a Lat/Lon grid, in addition to the old tile grid, which draws lines on the map at one degree intervals. Again, on the View ribbon.

Also on the View ribbon is a new Fuel Monitor. This will show current fuel usage by engine and fuel tank, while connected to the sim.

v4.0.0 (build 242 - beta)
* Fixed trail file did not get set automatically in logbook
* Airframe lookup now searches on title as well as registration
* Right-aligned numeric columns in aircraft types list
* Fixed "Notes" label missing from flight detail view
* Fixed Import trail did not set pilot id
* Import trail file now updates airframe totals (if found)
* Extra header details added to .igc files to help identify aircraft model
* Fixed aircraft not identified if there was a mismatch in underscores between actual aircraft data and the lookup table
* Fixed issue with 2-digit year in some imported dates
* Added access to Airframe Profile view from main Logbook ribbon
* Fixed Reset Tool Windows did not include logbook panels
* Flights list now defaults to date order
* Fixed Airframe Detail close button didn't work
* Flight Detail window now allows vertical resizing
* Added Pilot Summary reports
* Copy logbook report data to clipboard now includes column headers
* Alternation lines in tables now a lighter grey

v4.0.0 (build 241)
* Fixed Aircraft Profile Jet-A1 radio button did not correctly update
* Fixed Aircraft Profile navigation inop after saving new aircraft
* Added V Speeds to Aircraft List report
* Fixed Several mouse deadspots on Radio stack AP panel where mousewheel movements didn't register
* Added ability to read .grib files
* Added wind barb icons
* Added Winds Aloft display, with altitude options, controlled from the View ribbon
* Added Distance Flown column to Flights and Aircraft Instances tables
* Logbook totals now factor in fractional minutes
* Added Lat/Lon Grid options
* Logbook windows now correctly remember state, position, size (as appropriate) between sessions
* Added Aircraft Detail, Airframe Detail, Takeoff Detail, Landing Detail views
* Fixed: importing a profile for an existing aircraft now updates the existing record instead of creating a new one
* Aircraft Profile dialog now shows the imported profile after import
* "$$:" code in some aircraft model names no longer shows.
* Added 'Download winds aloft' switch to Options
* Added Edit/New/Delete functionality to the logbook
* Various UI fixes
* Added breadcrumb trail to logbook
* Added ability to import flight from breadcrumb trail (best guess, note: aircraft and airframe records really need to exist before import)
* Fixed markers updated too frequently if connection is in Lock mode
* PFD now shows IAS on the dial, with TAS and GS in the tooltip
* Added fuel monitor view


MSFS Users: Do not rebuild your databases. Changes to the bgl format in Sim Update 4 are causing build problems. (if you have already tried building it, you can restore your old database by renaming the backup in your Plan-Gv4 Files\Data folder.)

New Users: Please create the following folder path before you run the program: My Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Data This will prevent a CTD.

Both issues will be fixed in the next build.

Sample MSFS Profiles link (as per build 240):!AkfXrd8YzuWw7FSi18nc-ypKvHXN?e=BpuVnb
V4 Beta / Build 240
May 01, 2021, 08:15:19 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 240. New users, please read this before installing.

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder.

Aircraft profiles are now on the Logbook ribbon. The export/import format has also changed - it's now .json. Currently v4 will not read v3 profiles (that may change, depending on demand).
When you're connected to the sim, Plan-G will automatically load a profile, based on Manufacturer/Model names (sim generated). If there isn't a matching profile, it'll create a new one. Profiles are now stored in the logbook database, as part of the flight logging system. (*.profile.json files are only needed for interchange between users).
When a profile is populated with aircraft V speeds, the airspeed dial on the Plan-G PFD panel will automatically reconfigure itself to those speeds. It will show Vne (red line), green, white and yellow arcs, plus the blue line for twins. Configuration currently only happens once the sim is connected, and the aircraft has moved.
I've included a bunch of sample profiles for MSFS. Unzip them into your Plan-G v4 Files\Profiles folder. Then you can import them through the Aircraft Profile dialog.

MSFS users should rebuild your nav database in order to generate the new aircraft names lookup tables. This is not required for other sims.

v4.0.0 (build 240)
* Fixed Traffic icons were vertically displaced on the map
* Fixed error if connect to sim when a long way from the nearest airport
* Added support for Ivao data connection (Whazzup api)
* Scroll wheel control added to Radio stack
* Implemented Logbook Flight Detail View (not editable yet)
* Sim date & time now harvested in telemetry data (zulu and local)
* IMC & Night states now recorded for landing & takeoff
* X-Plane help text added to build dialog
* Added Settings panels for Vatsim poll interval and Logbook time display
* Added Aircraft List report (needs tidying)
* Last flown date recorded for each aircraft instance
* Aircraft engine type and number now pulled from the sim
* Aircraft names lookup is now a separate database (MSFS)
* Fixed: Date in flights list is now in sortable format
* Added new logbook button icons
* Added navigation buttons to aircraft profile and flight detail dialogs
* Fixed inconsistent 'nearest airport' test between Brakes Off/On and takeoff/landing handlers
* Tidied up AD draw
* Aircraft Profile dialog now uses .json format for expanded import/export features
* PFD panel now shows v speeds & arcs for the current aircraft (if they are defined in the aircraft profile)
  (limitation: only triggered once the aircraft moves off)
* Context Menu/double click aircraft in the Aircraft list to show profile dialog for that aircraft
* Context Menu/double click flight in flights list to show flight details for that flight
  (note: flight details not currently editable)
* Keyboard actions no longer disabled


Sample MSFS Profiles link:!AkfXrd8YzuWw7FSi18nc-ypKvHXN?e=BpuVnb

V4 Beta / Build 239
April 07, 2021, 08:29:35 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 239. New users, please read this before installing.

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder.

v4.0.0 (build 239)
* removed excess logging of "generic" AI in MSFS (this could cause the user aircraft plot to become very laggy)
* Added Logbook tab to main ribbon
* VATSIM connection updated to use v3 .json API
* VATSIM ATIS now displays correctly
* VATSIM refresh rate increased to 30 seconds (in Settings)
* MEF checkbox repositioned on View tab
* Updated FSUIPC Client library (3.1.27)
* Reconnecting to the sim within 5 seconds of disconnecting no longer starts a new Flight
* Fixed incorrect RDPM and SUA airspace display if Max Altitude checked
* Fixed error if connect to sim when a long way from the nearest airport
* Fixed Traffic icons were vertically displaced on the map

V4 Beta / Build 238
February 15, 2021, 05:14:32 PM
This is Plan-G v4 build 238. New users, please read this before installing.

You will find the read me and Quick Start guides in the /docs folder.

Please rebuild your databases.

v4.0.0 (build 238)
* Fixed 'endpos > file length' error building MSFS database when Navigraph is installed
* fixed error if Navigraph 'cycle info' file not present
* Fixed Localiser headings could be outside bounds in database
* Fixed navaids not correctly identified when reading .snip files
* Fixed airspace missing from db if navigraph installed (MSFS)
* Added Fuel Units to Aircraft table
* Fixed wrong navaid could sometimes be picked from duplicates on importing X-Plane v11 format
* Updated copyright messages for 2021

V4 Beta / Build 237
December 16, 2020, 03:20:26 PM
This is primarily a bug fix build - no new features this time. The next planned build will be in early 2021.
MSFS users should rebuild their database. No need to with other sims.

v4.0.0 (build 237)
* Fixed: Some SimConnect/FSUIPC calls were not being routed through the new aggregator
* Updated FSUIPCClient.dll to latest version

v4.0.0 (build 236)
* Fixed repetition of some navaids when Navigraph installed (MSFS)
* Added additional progress reporting for name lookups during db builds
* Fixed Active database not remembered between sessions if MSFS
* Fixed VSI over reading if BB connection
* Fixed PI procedure turn at start of approach transition was wrong
* Fixed some actions could cause an attempted load of an inappropriate Simconnect dll, with consequent errors
* Added Sim column to logbook Flights table
* Fixed Brakes Off did not record departure airport
* Fixed error with Move Aircraft if BB connection
* Fixed flight time continued to be logged after brakes on

Known issues: airspace is missing from the MSFS database if Navigraph installed.

V4 Beta / Build 235
December 04, 2020, 04:41:45 PM
Please Rebuild your databases
There are schema changes to both main navdata and logbook databases.

There are now separate export options for MSFS and X-Plane 11. These need to be used if you want to include IFR procedures AS PROCEDURES. If you want to export the procedures as regular waypoints, then use the old FSX / X-Plane 10 exporters. Either format can be opened by MSFS or X-Plane 11 respectively.

There are still issues with approaches and approach transitions in MSFS: Approaches, while stored in the flightplan are not loaded when the plan is opened. This is the case with plans saved by MSFS as well as external planners. When it comes to transitions, MSFS does weird ju-ju, and makes no provision to save/load it. If/when they do something about it, we can do something about it too. When reporting problems with flight plans, please verify that MSFS does something different with its own plan first.

* Added waypoint tags & labels to departures display
* Fixed display enroute transition would garble the departure
* Added ability to filter departures by runway
* Added 'show all departures' option
* Added support for STARs (X-Plane11)
* Added support for STARs (MSFS)
* Fixed Airspace colour guide and airspace layer options dialogs had incorrect backgrounds
* Fixed Show Runway Overlays option was not exposed
* Converted approaches to use revised handling & storage
* Fixed error teleporting user aircraft when connected through SimConnect 2
* Fixed potential crash if FSUIPC failed to connect
* Fixed thread error updating traffic with an FSUIPC connection
* Added landing stats data to logbook database
* Added 'indicated airspeed' to data harvested from sim
* Load MSFS flight plan will set departure, star & arrival procedures where present and correct
* Export MSFS option will generate MSFS format IFR plans (which is not a guarantee that MSFS will load them - it often can't load its own plans!)
  (export as FSX to save as regular waypoints)
* note: If the plan does not include a procedure, "Export MSFS" will export FSX format
* Added CycleInfo table to the database
* Open X-Plane 11 .FMS file will generate Departure, Star and arrival procedures if specified.
* Export X-Plane 11 .FMS will save procedure data (export X-Plane 10 to save as regular waypoints)
* CycleInfo data now set in export formats that use it
* Fixed disconnect/reconnect from the sim mid flight did not log the continuation portion of the flight!AkfXrd8YzuWw7ChKO7WBFjrdJl_-?e=4q7Zwt
V4 Beta / Build 234
November 14, 2020, 07:32:53 PM
Please rebuild your databases

v4 now keeps its data in Plan-G v4 Files. It will create the folder automatically. You will need to rebuild navigation databases (the schemas have changed, so there's no value in copying them from the old place. You can copy the DEM folder, charts, plans etc, as required. Database building is now faster (in the case of MSFS, MUCH faster).

This build also includes departure procedures for both MSFS and X-Plane 11. You can select and display them on the map, although you can't yet incorporate them into a flight plan. This will come in future builds. Also coming will be STARs and an overhaul of the approach mechanism. As this is a first pass at the feature, please report any gross error, screwups, misunderstandings of "how it works" etc

v4.0.0 (build 234)
* Added extra feedback around fixing airport names during MSFS db build
* Fixed theta/rho values incorrect (approach & departure procedures)
* Added checking for P3D v3 xml addons file
* Fixed incorrect logging of OS version in Win8+
* First pass reading MSFS departures
* Optimised MSFS database build - now very much faster
* improved storage of aprons - MSFS db now 616MB not 1.66GB! (file format change: all databases need rebuilding)
* Renamed MSFS database
* Airspace schema updated for better drawing efficiency
* Airspace export/import updated for new schema (note: import is very slow right now)
* Now uses its own dedicated Plan-Gv4 Files folder
* Renamed MSFS database
* AD chart now has a margin
* Fixed missing Hide Range Rings menu
* Added support for X-Plane 11.5 changes to ILS LOC bearing format
* Fixed wrong X-Plane procedures set loaded if Navigraph
* Display of most departures (SIDs) on the map - X-Plane & MSFS (Can't yet add to plan.)
* Tweaks to plan line drawing!AkfXrd8YzuWw7CevcFpqG5YssjlP?e=s1E9dm
V4 Beta / Build 233
October 31, 2020, 01:38:00 PM
Please rebuild your databases.

The new MSFS patch caused a number of issues with my PC, forcing me to go back to an old Windows restore point. Consequently this build comes a bit later than I had hoped.

This build will reset your logbook database. It will make a backup, so you'll still have a record of your flights (you can access them through any Sqlite viewer). Eventually there will be a way to transfer them back to the active database, but that's not implemented yet.

MSFS users, you'll need to rebuild your nav databases in order to get the aircraft names list back, and don't forget to copy the new logbook across if you're running on a remote PC.

v4.0.0 (build 233)
* Fixed error reading traffic with SimConnect 2 connection
* Fixed some functions not called (move aircraft, avionics, weather) if connection was SimConnect2
* Fixed traffic markers flashing
* Traffic labels now have a background for easier reading
* Fixed Vfe missing from logbook Aircraft table
* Fixed MSFS localiser headings were Magnetic instead of True
* Added framework elements for departure handling
* Very limited display of some departure elements (X-Plane 11 only)
* Back end library updates
* Fixed error displaying external charts!AkfXrd8YzuWw7Cajh_A_wgSA0hxB?e=De8qWE