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Messages - BXS2025

The Reporting Point / Re: puntos vfr España
September 23, 2014, 03:35:18 PM
Hola de nuevo, como había visto que los puntos de notificación estaban un poquito antiguos, los he revisado y puesto al día.

Debajo os dejo el archio.


Hi, as I notice that the VRP has become very old, I have checked them and updated.

Below you will see the archive.

Good flights.
The Reporting Point / Re: puntos vfr España
March 12, 2011, 02:54:50 PM
De nada fran, un placer, jeje.

Saludos y buenos vuelos
The Reporting Point / puntos vfr España
March 08, 2011, 09:25:58 PM
Hola, como dice el título del asunto he relizado la recopilación de los puntos VFR de los aeropuertos de España. Para instalarlo basta con importarlos y activarlos, en el menu.

Un saludo.

Hi, As is shown in the subject these are the Spanish VFR points. To install just import then and activate them in the menu.

Good flights.
Plan-G / Re: Visual Reporting points
October 26, 2010, 01:23:20 PM
Ok thanks I will continue looking for.

If anyone has the link I will appreciate it and it will be very helpful.

Plan-G / Re: Visual Reporting points
October 25, 2010, 07:01:45 PM
Thank you very much, I click on the link and it says that the web is off. Is there any other place to find them?

Thanks again.
Plan-G / Visual Reporting points
October 25, 2010, 05:39:02 PM
Hi, I come new to plan-g. I found it incredible, a very good tool to use with fs9. But I do not know how to set the plan-g to see the visual reportin points of the airports in the map. I use to fly in spain, if it matters. Thanks.