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Messages - jwkz

Plan-G / Re: JavaScript API V2
February 09, 2014, 12:40:54 AM
Here's another vote for bringing back V2.  V3  has some great features, but for bush flying, V2 is still superior.

I notice that the basic moving map part of V2 still works.  That alone would still be useful if the continual script error message box pop-up could be disabled.  Any chance that could be accomplished?  Thanks.

Plan-G / Re: Terrain Map in Version 3
August 01, 2012, 10:35:00 PM
Thanks, Tim.  I will add my lone voice to the lobbying effort, for what it's worth.

I much appreciate your efforts with Plan-G and would hate to see it lose functionality.

Plan-G / Terrain Map in Version 3
August 01, 2012, 12:05:13 AM
As near as I can tell from their website, OpenStreetMaps does not have a terrain mapping option like Google Maps.  If so, Version 3 will be losing one of the most useful features of Plan-G for low-altitude VFR operations.

Is this correct, and if so will V2 still be operable after V3 comes out?
