
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - M3TIY

Plan-G / Please Help Me ....
September 17, 2010, 01:01:03 AM
Right two problems i don't know if anyone can help me.

Number One

Downloaded and run Plan G on my main PC running Windows XP Pro SP2 and installed 3.5.1 .NET Framework and Plan G when i click run all that happens is than windows wants to send an Error Report..
Tyred re downloading it also from the first time i retried it i had a new HDD and reinstaled everything but still doesn't wok I'm completely stumped. Can anyone help?

Number 2
I Have plan G Running on my laptop witch is running Windows 7 Pro and trying to connect over the next work I have made the Simconnect.xml file and it now connects witch it didn't before but now connects then comes up with "Unable to connect to remote Flight Simulator (timeout).
Check FSK is Running, and that your protocol settings are correct." any help with that aswel ?

Sorry if its in the manual and i have managed to miss it but would really appreciate the help

