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Messages - bliksimpie

Good news as I and thousands of others is immensely satisfied with your product and it would be another sad day to see it being ripped from us.

Thanks again for this great product.!

Keep well
I see a few sites have been served legal papers as they infringe apparently on some on line flight planning online patent rights.

Some has already closed shop ( while others said they will fight procedings against them

Any ideas?

details here
The Reporting Point / Re: AUS VFR Waypoints
December 21, 2010, 08:18:10 AM
Or download the BGL from Anthony Lynch and import direct into FSX. Re-run databuild and all these will now show in Plan G as well as in FSX.

This download contains two files which contain data for all 1699 IFR and 971 VFR waypoints in Australian airspace (as listed in ERSA)

Plan-G / Re: Suggestions for improvement
December 20, 2010, 12:25:28 PM
Tim I checked the notes at the end of each leg and it will be sufficient for entering a radio frequency or two but not much.

What I normally would like to type in the requested free text box is as follows, so you see it is a bit much that I need to be added when a flightplan get printed.


   Min   Usage P/H   Pound   Gallons   ;   Ave Spd   150   Distance   167.5   knots
Taxi................   2   150   5   1   ;               
climb..............   15   400   100   15   ;   Empty.............   -   -   4550   
cruise.............   40   340   227   34   ;   Crew...............         340   2
decent...........   12   150   30   4   ;   Fuel.................   -   -   -----------   
Taxi................   2   150   5   1   ;   Pax..................   -   -   1360   8
----------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ;   Load................   -   -   800   
subtotal........   71      367   55   ;   ----------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   
----------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ;   subtotal........         7050   
Reserve.........   45   340   255   38   ;   Max Weight..   -   -   8450   
Other.............   5   150   13   2   ;   ----------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   
Hold...............   10   340   57   9   ;   Totaal............         1400   Under max
----------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ;               
subtotal........   60      325   49   ;               
----------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ;               
Trip Fuel.....         692   104   ;               

Edit... oops my lineups not so good.. but you get the idea
Plan-G / Re: Suggestions for improvement
December 20, 2010, 09:28:55 AM
Thanks Tim
Plan-G / Re: Suggestions for improvement
December 19, 2010, 06:26:41 PM
Quote from: Armand on December 19, 2010, 12:17:08 AM
Thank you so much Tim for this great software which I use for preparing all my flights. I would have a few suggestions :


b) A nice feature would be to have the possibility to add free text in the FP, for instance below the Departure/Arrival Airport section. Could be used for entering traffic pattern details, fuel budget, Alt airport data or any other information useful to the pilot


Kind Regards


yes I would dearly love to have a free text box that can be printed right at the end of flight plan printout. Would really be great to have some freetext area.

Another suggestion.
1) Maybe in future there is plans not to have just one speed but variable speeds for climb/cruise/descend

As an interm would it be possible to make the speed fields change-able. It still can default the speed in from the speed box that you con complete but allow you to manually go and over write the speeds so that I can change the climb sections and descent sections speeds to get much better expected time per flight leg. Now you just have one speed for all and it do make a difference to the times when you try and fly a flightplan and compare the leg times.

Much appreciated. Have a good Christmas and thanks again for this amazing piece of software.
Keep well.
Plan-G / Re: removing user waypoints
December 07, 2009, 12:24:47 PM
no way... I was looking for a button to delete. I right click and check options... never presed DEL...!!

Whao, I am more then blond.. I am being stupid here..

Plan-G / removing user waypoints
December 06, 2009, 04:23:31 PM
I am having a blond moment here. After adding user waypoint via import of CSV file,  I found an error on one waypoint. How do I delete such a user waypoint. I have the latest version PLAN_G.