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Messages - babba

Plans and PIREPs / Flight ai Aran's Island
January 07, 2011, 04:24:10 PM

Hello, there's a flight that i've done some month's ago

i hope the you like it  :P

Plan-G / impressions for the new plan-g
December 28, 2010, 07:45:45 PM

hello,i'm a user of plan-g from 2008 and i've tried many version.

thank to all the staff for the good work

i like to use plan-g  just to compile the plan, then i print the map and the plan and close the program.
Start fsx and fly like a real vfr...without gps or plan g open.

most of the new features are very fine but i don't use them.

The features that i love are the possibility of make "cross reference" ,the space for the notes in the flightplan and the metar.

I've only one request for the future version.

I woul'd like that plan-g work also without the internet connection.
In my country the adsl line is not every were and most user have 1 pc connect but 1 pocket pc without connection.
Now i can work with plan-g only when i can stay at the pc with connection but i think it's useful for me to work also with the pocket pc on the sofa  ;) even plan without internet can work with some options disable, like metar etc, but with the possibility of make a simple flight plan

excuse for my english



Plan-G / Different altitudes and air speed
May 06, 2010, 07:02:14 PM

I think could be usefull have the possibility of change the altitude level and the air speed for each  plan's leg, when necessitate
For example, have a certain air speed in the initial climb and the final descent or a different altitude depend on the rules of the zone  fly over

Does it possible?


Plan-G / Re: Magnetic variations
December 30, 2009, 05:14:41 PM
hello, i have a question about magnetic variation

when i connect two waipoints A and B in a country with magnetic variation 20 E for example...the heading resultant on the flight plan is comprehensive of the variation or i have to adjust the heading manually once on the plane?

excuse me for the bad english :(

Plan-G / fix?
December 19, 2009, 04:43:29 PM

first thing,excuse me for my very bad english ...i'm italian

i would like to know if it's possible to make fix on the waypoints with vor or ndb...the possibility of draw a line between a vor and a waypoint and then see the distance and the qdr

i think it's very necessary for a vfr pianification

thank's for this beautiful program