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Messages - Renaissance_man

Plan-G / Re: USA Airspaces not showing in X-Plane 11
January 16, 2018, 03:36:00 PM
Well I am happy to report that the airspaces are showing up. The problem was probably in naming the folder "Airspaces" instead of the correct "airspaces"
Plan-G / Re: USA Airspaces not showing in X-Plane 11
January 15, 2018, 12:00:37 PM
I followed the recommendations above. Installed the allusa.v17.08-17.2 file in D:\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\airspaces. The DB is building now. The first attempt failed; I wonder if it's because the folder was named "Airspaces" instead of "airspaces". Another question I have is the usage of .air files, should they be modified to .txt? It seems Plan-G is ignoring them when building the XP DB. The file I would like to use is canadian_airspace_265.air. FYI, Plan-G installed on a network.
Plan-G / Re: networked Prepar3d v2.1
March 06, 2014, 02:18:07 PM
Hello Michael, where is the data to be exported from the main PC? Thank you kindly!
Plan-G / Re: networked Prepar3d v2.1
March 05, 2014, 03:40:32 AM
Same here. The Prepar3d data icon is greyed out. I am on a network using W8.1  for the sim and 7 for Plan-G. The connections are fine (using FSUIPC). The aircraft is showing, moving, etc.
Locations seems fine, scenery.cfg is taken out of the Program data on the Sim computer, P3D is found.

When I had FSX it took 5/10 minutes to load the scenery data. With P3D2.1 it takes 1 second.

Is this normal?

Still a fabulous program. Bravo!
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G crashing
January 04, 2014, 06:15:29 PM
Reverted to and it works.
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G crashing
January 04, 2014, 05:51:12 PM
Same here. Constant crash. What has changed?
Connects OK, but cannot save or open any flight plans.
Using .NET 4.5.1, FSUIPC registered and the latest Plan-G.
Plan-G / Re: Avsim Award winner!
May 07, 2013, 03:25:42 AM
Congrats Tim!

Well-deserved indeed.

Mario :laugh:
Plan-G / Re: Simconnect timeout again
February 17, 2011, 05:52:10 PM
I am still experiencing difficulties getting Plan-G to connect through a network. It eventually works bit takes many tries and a complete re-boot of both machines. The best recipe to make it work seems to re-boot both machines. Click on "Network" on each computer to connect them. Start FSX, and get into flight mode. Then start Plan-G. It never connects on my first try so I and get the timeout message. Then I turn off the airplane starter engine ( I have a Saitek mutli-panel switch). Plan-G gives me a message that it's no longer working and is forced to shut down. I reopen Plan-G and then and only then (with some luck) is connects. If I don't go through this procedure it doesn't work at all.

My connections settings are good and so is the syntax in the Sim Connect.xml - After all it does work when it wants to. I use IPv6 and have W7 on both machines. I was wondering if the option of using IPv4 or FSUIPC may solve the problem.

This software is an absolute pleasure - when it connects - and I would certainly have made a donation to reward the efforts of the author. But I am on a holding pattern...I am still wasting at least 45 minutes before the whole setup works.

I am a fair computer user but my networks knowledge is rather limited. I have dutifully followed the instructions provided. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Plan-G / Re: Intermittent connections across computers
November 22, 2010, 03:18:57 PM
Thanks Tim,

I have tried IP4 with the same results. I flew a few times during the weekend and was able to connect by disconnecting and re-connecting rapidly. I will experiment and will keep you posted on anything that might be informative.
Plan-G / Re: Intermittent connections across computers
November 21, 2010, 12:03:02 AM

This is my IP address as shown on my D-Link device page. It is the same as the one displayed on the ipconfig command. My Link-local IPv6 address is correct and my settings in SimConnect are also corrects. I have rebooted both machines and got in Plan-G immediately. I then shut down Plan-G and FSX and restarted them again (with FSX first). After multiple Connect/Disconnect I finally got back in.

I will keep an eye on my IP address, but I believe it doesn't change. In any case, I use the IPv6 connection and I know for sure that the address is the same. Could this be a port issue?

If SimConnect is difficult to troubleshoot, should I go with FSPUIC? I use SimConnect because of your recommendation. When it works, it is stable.

Thank you for your time.
Plan-G / Re: Intermittent connections across computers
November 19, 2010, 08:50:19 PM
Yes, FSX is shut down between sessions. I think my ISP (Shaw Cable) is providing my PCs addresses. I am not familiar with the subject so I am quoting the following from this link:

How Shaw DHCP IP Addresses are assigned

    * firewall/server/workstation settings are set to DHCP instead of manual entry
    * When the cable modem first boots up, Shaw's server instructs it to accept a maximum number of MAC addresses specific to the account type. The modem automatically accepts MAC addresses until it reaches that limit, then refuse to accept further.
    * firewall/server/workstation obtains IP address from DHCP server every time the firewall/server/workstation boots up
    * DHCP assigned IP address is leased for a limited period of time
    * before the lease expires, firewall/server/workstation requests another address from the DHCP server
    * DHCP server decides whether to reissue the same address or issue a new address
    * traffic from the Internet routed directly to router or firewall/server/workstation

Thanks Tim for a prompt response.
Plan-G / Re: Teaser
November 19, 2010, 06:51:19 PM
Count me in to purchase that software ;D. Fantastic! :D
Plan-G / Intermittent connections across computers
November 19, 2010, 06:49:27 PM
Great software!

I experience intermittent connections and am wondering if there is an order of steps that needs to be taken when starting the machines for a new flight.

One machine runs W7 and has FSX and the other has Vista and runs Plan-G. They are networked through a D-Link hub. My setting seems correct since I can establish a connection. My problem is when I re-start after shutting the machines.

My FSX machine is put on a sleep mode while the Plan-G machine is completely shut down. Also is there a need to reload a flight plane in FSX when using Plan-G? Can that have a cause on the lost of connection between the two software?

Many thanks!