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Messages - Bonesze2010

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G crashes when I connect to fs9
November 29, 2010, 07:22:44 PM
I tried turning it off,still doing the same thing.Everything else seems to be ok,but as soon as I try to connect it crashes .
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G crashes when I connect to fs9
November 29, 2010, 04:00:47 PM
I hope this is was what your talking about .

01:31:21.4 ---===+++===---
01:31:21.4 Starting Plan-G, build
01:31:21.4 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
01:31:22.0 webBrowser_SizeChanged. Width = 1378 Height = 645
01:31:22.1 webBrowser_SizeChanged. Width = 1394 Height = 683
01:31:22.2 FS9 is installed
01:31:22.4 FS9 database is built
01:31:22.4 Selected data set is FS9
01:31:25.5 Checking command line
01:31:25.5 Command line. Length = 1 args = C:\Program Files (x86)\TA Software\Plan-G\PlanG.exe,
01:31:26.1 webBrowser_SizeChanged. Width = 1394 Height = 839
01:31:28.1  DEBUG: Aircraft
01:31:28.1 Clear all Airspace. (ClearAirspaceBoundaries)
01:31:28.3 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 28.4951385737532 s = 28.4911829841903 w = -81.4056658744812 e = -81.3981878757477 Zoom = 18
01:31:28.3 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 28.4951385737532 s = 28.4911829841903 w = -81.4056658744812 e = -81.3981878757477 Zoom = 18
01:31:28.3 --> Zoom Still
01:31:28.3 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
01:31:28.3 No plan - erasing line
01:31:28.3  DEBUG: plotFlightPlanObj
01:31:28.3  DEBUG: clearFlightPlan
01:31:28.3  DEBUG: clearing plan markers.
01:31:28.3  DEBUG: clearPlanApproaches.
01:31:28.3  DEBUG: clearFlightPlan done.
01:31:28.7 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:31:28.7   Airspace
01:31:28.8 GetAirspaceInBounds retrieved 7 boundaries
01:31:28.8 Plot ICAO Airspace. 7/0 boundaries
01:31:28.9 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:31:28.9   NDBs
01:31:28.9   VORs
01:31:28.9   Airports
01:31:29.7 GetAirportsInBounds retrieved 0 airports.
01:31:29.7   ISECs
01:31:29.7   UWpts
01:31:30.0   done
01:31:30.0 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
01:31:30.0 No plan - erasing line
01:31:30.0  DEBUG: plotFlightPlanObj
01:31:30.0  DEBUG: clearFlightPlan
01:31:30.0  DEBUG: clearing plan markers.
01:31:30.0  DEBUG: clearPlanApproaches.
01:31:30.0  DEBUG: clearFlightPlan done.
01:31:35.3 SizeChanged: W=1050 H=700
01:31:35.3 webBrowser_SizeChanged. Width = 748 Height = 518
01:31:35.4 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 28.4951385737532 s = 28.4926964036639 w = -81.4056658744812 e = -81.4016532897949 Zoom = 18
01:31:35.4 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:31:35.4   Airspace
01:31:35.4 GetAirspaceInBounds retrieved 7 boundaries
01:31:35.5 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:31:35.5   NDBs
01:31:35.5   VORs
01:31:35.5   Airports
01:31:35.5 GetAirportsInBounds retrieved 0 airports.
01:31:35.5   ISECs
01:31:35.5   UWpts
01:31:35.8   done
01:31:35.8 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
01:31:35.8 lTAF00Z.TXT started
01:31:35.8 Metar08Z.TXT started
01:31:35.8 Metar09Z.TXT started
01:31:36.6 sTAF06Z.TXT started
01:31:37.6 lTAF06Z.TXT started
01:31:38.1 sTAF00Z.TXT started
01:31:41.0 SizeChanged: W=1050 H=700
01:31:41.0 webBrowser_SizeChanged. Width = 1394 Height = 839
01:31:41.1 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 28.4951385737532 s = 28.4911829841903 w = -81.4056658744812 e = -81.3981878757477 Zoom = 18
01:31:41.1 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:31:41.1   Airspace
01:31:41.1 GetAirspaceInBounds retrieved 7 boundaries
01:31:41.2 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:31:41.2   NDBs
01:31:41.2   VORs
01:31:41.2   Airports
01:31:41.2 GetAirportsInBounds retrieved 0 airports.
01:31:41.2   ISECs
01:31:41.2   UWpts
01:31:41.5   done
01:31:44.0 SizeChanged: W=1050 H=700
01:31:44.0 webBrowser_SizeChanged. Width = 748 Height = 518
01:31:44.0 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 28.4951385737532 s = 28.4926964036639 w = -81.4056658744812 e = -81.4016532897949 Zoom = 18
01:31:44.0 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:31:44.0   Airspace
01:31:44.1 GetAirspaceInBounds retrieved 7 boundaries
01:31:44.1 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:31:44.1   NDBs
01:31:44.1   VORs
01:31:44.1   Airports
01:31:44.2 GetAirportsInBounds retrieved 0 airports.
01:31:44.2   ISECs
01:31:44.2   UWpts
01:31:44.4   done
01:31:54.4 sTAF06Z.TXT done
01:32:02.9 sTAF00Z.TXT done
01:32:09.2 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 37.9961626797281 s = 18.0623123045467 w = -97.822265625 e = -64.951171875 Zoom = 5
01:32:09.2 --> Zoom Out
01:32:09.2 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
01:32:09.2 No plan - erasing line
01:32:09.2  DEBUG: plotFlightPlanObj
01:32:09.2  DEBUG: clearFlightPlan
01:32:09.2  DEBUG: clearing plan markers.
01:32:09.2  DEBUG: clearPlanApproaches.
01:32:09.2  DEBUG: clearFlightPlan done.
01:32:10.1 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:32:10.1   Airspace
01:32:10.1 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:32:10.1 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:32:10.1 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:32:10.1 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:32:10.1   NDBs
01:32:10.1   VORs
01:32:10.1   Airports
01:32:10.1   ISECs
01:32:10.1   UWpts
01:32:10.1   done
01:32:14.2 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 45.089035564831 s = 26.8240707804702 w = -110.126953125 e = -77.255859375 Zoom = 5
01:32:14.2 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:32:14.2   Airspace
01:32:14.2 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:32:14.2 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:32:14.2 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:32:14.2 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:32:14.2   NDBs
01:32:14.2   VORs
01:32:14.2   Airports
01:32:14.2   ISECs
01:32:14.2   UWpts
01:32:14.2   done
01:32:31.7 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 45.089035564831 s = 26.8240707804702 w = -110.126953125 e = -77.255859375 Zoom = 5
01:32:31.7 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:32:31.7   Airspace
01:32:31.7 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:32:31.7 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:32:31.7 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:32:31.7 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:32:31.7   NDBs
01:32:31.7   VORs
01:32:31.7   Airports
01:32:31.7   ISECs
01:32:31.7   UWpts
01:32:31.7   done
01:32:59.4 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 45.1200528415305 s = 26.8632806267662 w = -110.126953125 e = -77.255859375 Zoom = 5
01:32:59.4 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:32:59.4   Airspace
01:32:59.4 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:32:59.4 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:32:59.4 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:32:59.4 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:32:59.4   NDBs
01:32:59.4   VORs
01:32:59.4   Airports
01:32:59.4   ISECs
01:32:59.4   UWpts
01:32:59.4   done
01:33:00.1 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 45.7981695301727 s = 27.7224359189734 w = -114.9609375 e = -82.08984375 Zoom = 5
01:33:00.1 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:33:00.1   Airspace
01:33:00.1 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:33:00.1 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:33:00.1 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:33:00.1 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:33:00.1   NDBs
01:33:00.1   VORs
01:33:00.1   Airports
01:33:00.1   ISECs
01:33:00.1   UWpts
01:33:00.1   done
01:33:01.4 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 44.0244215196593 s = 25.4829511753553 w = -113.9501953125 e = -81.0791015625 Zoom = 5
01:33:01.4 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:33:01.4   Airspace
01:33:01.4 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:33:01.4 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:33:01.4 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:33:01.4 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:33:01.4   NDBs
01:33:01.4   VORs
01:33:01.4   Airports
01:33:01.4   ISECs
01:33:01.4   UWpts
01:33:01.4   done
01:33:01.7 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 43.8662180065564 s = 25.284437746983 w = -113.9501953125 e = -81.0791015625 Zoom = 5
01:33:01.7 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:33:01.7   Airspace
01:33:01.7 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:33:01.7 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:33:01.7 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:33:01.7 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:33:01.7   NDBs
01:33:01.7   VORs
01:33:01.7   Airports
01:33:01.7   ISECs
01:33:01.7   UWpts
01:33:01.7   done
01:33:02.0 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 43.5485481109129 s = 24.8864364907877 w = -114.6533203125 e = -81.7822265625 Zoom = 5
01:33:02.0 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:33:02.0   Airspace
01:33:02.0 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:33:02.0 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:33:02.0 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:33:02.0 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:33:02.0   NDBs
01:33:02.0   VORs
01:33:02.0   Airports
01:33:02.0   ISECs
01:33:02.0   UWpts
01:33:02.0   done
01:33:04.1 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 43.5485481109129 s = 24.8864364907877 w = -116.630859375 e = -83.759765625 Zoom = 5
01:33:04.1 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
01:33:04.1   Airspace
01:33:04.1 Clear ICAO Airspace.
01:33:04.1 Clear restricted Airspace.
01:33:04.1 Clear SUA2 Airspace.
01:33:04.1 Clear Centre Airspace.
01:33:04.1   NDBs
01:33:04.1   VORs
01:33:04.1   Airports
01:33:04.1   ISECs
01:33:04.1   UWpts
01:33:04.1   done
01:33:07.4 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
01:33:07.4 FSUIPC.Connect
01:33:07.9 FSUIPCAI: 1802  299kts include = True
Plan-G / Plan-G crashes when I connect to fs9
November 29, 2010, 03:36:43 AM
Greetings,I have downloaded what looks to be a wonderful add on for fs9,but I have ran into a problem whenever I try to connect to Fs9,Plan-G crashes .I have uninstalled & reinstalled multiple times,below I have attached the error info.PLEASE HELP 911.Would love to use this program.

   C:\Program Files (x86)\TA Software\Plan-G\PlanG.exe