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Messages - JDLinn

Thanks Tim ... I'm using SimConnect (FSX) - Config index -  Network Mode IPv4 - localhost and server port/pipe at 0.....

I think I see the problem ... I should be connecting with SimConnect (P3D).  I never saw that setting before. Let me see if that fixes it. BRB


That was it, Tim.  I just "assumed" the radio button to the right was for P3D and it looked "set" ... I get it now. Works fine. Sorry I bothered you, but maybe this will help some others making my same mistake.

Thanks again

Plan-G / Re: Move FS Aircraft to here causes crash.
March 22, 2018, 05:40:14 PM
Same problem here. (Bump)
Plan-G / Running P3D V3 and V4 both with Plan G
March 22, 2018, 05:23:15 PM
Is there a way to run a version of Plan G with P3D V3 and another, on the same computer with P3D V4.  I'm not running both at the same time, but need both, 3 for development, 4 for flying.  Right now I have a Plan-G (v3) in my P3D V3 area configured for V3 and another in my P3D V4 area, configured for V4. So when I run P3D V3, I run the shortcut to Plan G to that configuration, etc.  Is there anything "wrong" with this kind of setup?

I'm noticing the "Move Aircraft to Here" doesn't work and was wondering if this is because I am not in the standard /TA Software/Plan-G V3 folder.

Thank you
Plan-G / Re: Plan G trying to open "off screen"
April 25, 2015, 07:17:16 PM
Here is how you solve the problem.  You "open" it, and go down to the "tray" and right click on Plan G there, select "properties" and select open maximized.  It opens maximized, then you "minimize" it and change the size and everything is OK.

Plan-G / Re: Plan G trying to open "off screen"
April 25, 2015, 05:14:22 PM
C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Local\TA_Software\Plan-G3.exeHASHCODE\VERSION\user.config  doesn't exist for me ... probably the problem. I also tried the second "fix" ... it didn't work either. I'm just going to redownload Plan G and start over. Thank you for the replies.

Plan-G / Plan G trying to open "off screen"
April 24, 2015, 01:34:25 AM
Hi Tim .. in an old thread, you mentioned to use the "clearallsettings" feature. Where is that?  If it is in the options, i can't get to it because Plan G is trying to open off to the "left' of my screen somewhere.  Is there something in the cfg file to change?

Thank you
Tim ... thank you. That was the problem. I had rebooted trying to add Plan G before, but I guess I just got the sequence wrong. After the reboot the database was created flawlessly.  For the record, I'm using P3D V2.4 ... so if anyone is interested, everything works for Plan-G in 2.4.  Thank you again.

Hi Tim ...

Downloaded your newest version (setup Plan-G, it continues to run on the "first" database ... about an hour and I killed it. Tried again, same again. I was wondering if there might be a problem with P3D V2.4, that is the only thing I've changed and I've never had a problem before.  I don't think the initial database gets made properly. Later when i point (in locations) at my P3D.exe and scenery.cfg ... the "addon scenery" airports don't show up. As I said, I've never had a problem before.

Attaching my log.

Plan-G / Re: Plan G Opens off screen?
May 31, 2014, 07:10:10 PM
I can duplicate the problem.  If you use the "personalize" in Win 7 and go to "display" and then go to "Make it easier to read on your screen" ... giving you 1.25 magnitude on your type you see on your computer screen, the minimized box flies off screen to the right. Change that back, and it shows fine.  I put the V back in and don't have a problem with that at all ... it also works with Prepar3D, there doesn't seem to be an option in Locations for P3D in the new version.  I'll keep that version I guess.

Doug Linn
Plan-G / Re: Plan G Opens off screen?
May 31, 2014, 01:58:52 PM
Thank you, didn't work.  The only change I made, I made my print larger on the screen (from small to medium) Win 7.  I'll redownload and reload.

Thank you
Plan-G / Plan G Opens off screen?
May 31, 2014, 01:18:24 AM
When I click on Plan G, the minimized window of it flies off the screen to the right, so I can't get to it to "clear all" or anything else. You can see if fly back to the taskbar if you click the task bar again. Click again, and it flies off to the right again.  Any fix for this?

Thank youo
Doug Linn
Plan-G / Re: cant find the editor
January 05, 2014, 01:21:37 PM
So the feature of having an edit button and being able to drag the route is gone in v3? If so that was one of Plan G's BEST features for those of us making low and slow flight plans through mountains. That is a setback...could this feature be brought back?
Plan-G / Re: Edit icon and or function
August 22, 2012, 02:48:56 PM
Is there no edit button anymore?   If so, we can't use it at RTMM (Return to Misty Moorings) to make the low level flights "around" the mountains.  We will have to stick with version 2 until the edit button shows up in version 3.  (If it is there, I can't find it!)
Where can I download version 2.0.5?  (Three doesn't work for us for VFR at RTMM).

Plan-G / The "edit" button isn't showing?
August 18, 2012, 05:25:23 AM
Version 3 ... the edit button is now showing on the ribbon ... what could cause this?