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Messages - CharlesHBOCB

I have managed to get a connection so please consider my request as closed and thank you for your help,
Thanks for the info.
I have also already tried using the computer name for this connection, with no success.
I think that something in my win 7 configuration might be blockink. Could you update me on what you have on your win 7 system ( firewall and config, folder sharing etc.) this might help me in locating my problem.
Thank you in advance.
I have finally managed to create a connection between 2 XP systems. With FSX on Win 7 and PlanG on Win XP, I am still blocked with a timeout message even with all firewall and antivirus deactivated.
I have found a way to get a log of what is happening during the connection. It is XML and I do not know how to decode it. Here is an extract of a repeated event obviously connected to my problem:

- <events>
- <netEvent>
- <header>
- <flags numItems="6">
  <appId />
  <userId />
- <classifyDrop>
- <netEvent>
- <header>
- <flags numItems="6">
  <appId />
  <userId />
- <classifyDrop>
  </netEvent> is the IP address on the Win 7 FSX computer and is the IP address of the Win XP PlanG computer.

Does anyone have the knowledge to decode this or direct me to someone who might.
Thanks in advance
Yes, FSX SP2 on Flightsim and FSX SP2/Acceleration on Win7 system.
Is it correct to think that PlanG and FSX can connect through global IPv4 on same machine? If yes, anything special to configure. If I manage to have a SimConnect connection working, I could work from there to move to networked computer by changing only one thing at a time.
Thinking that maybe the problem is with my setup of Win7, I have tried a configuration with 2 WinXP systems, with no success.
So I must be doing something basically wrong.
I now have a system called LaptopCOB with PlanG installed. The other system called Flightsim has FSX. I have shared FSX folder and FSX scenery.cfg folder in Flightsim. On LaptopCOB, in PlanG, I have setup locations as instructed and have built the database from Flightsim; the 2 systems are connected and database data has been transferred.
I have tried to ping LaptopCOB from Flightsim and it is OK; I have tried to ping Flightsim from LaptopCOB and it is OK.
I have modified SimConnect.xml on Flightsim as follows

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">




In PlanG, FS Connection is IPv4, Flightsim, 4506.
On both systems, I have Firewall and antivirus deactivated and I still get no connection with a time out error message.
I have also tried with no success to link PlanG and FSX on the same computer with the same result.
Should I give up or does anyone have an idea.
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your reply and thank you very much for making your wonderfull program available. It is by far the best for VFR flying.
I have tried to ping the FSX computer from the PlanG computer: OK
I have deactivated antivirus and firewall on both systems: problem remains
I have changed port number in SimConnect.xml and in PlanG FS Connection with antivirus and firewall deactivated: problem remains.
Do you have other suggestions or hints for where to look for a solution as I have reached the boundaries of my PC knowledge.
Thank you in advance
I am still trying to connect from an XP system with PlanG to a Win7 system with FSX using SimConnect.
When connecting I get a Timeout message immediately followed by a PlanG crash.
The crash report has the following error signature:
EventType : clr20r3     P1 : plang.exe     P2 :     P3 : 4d05571c
P4 : beatlesblog.simconnect     P5 :     P6 : 4a593cba     P7 : 65     
P8 : 6f     P9 : system.nullreferenceexception

The PlanG log says at the end:
20:58:41.6 ProcessMetars done
21:06:21.0 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
21:06:21.3 SimConnect.Connect
21:06:21.3 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = Port = 4506
21:06:42.1 SimConnect remote connection timed out
21:06:42.1 SimConnect.Disconnect
21:06:43.1  DEBUG: removeUserAircraft
21:06:43.1  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft

SimConnect.klm is the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">



PlanG FS Connection is Auto, Network Mode = IPv4, FSX Computer =, Server Port = 4506.

I have also tryed with FSX Computer = Pc-fsx in SimConnect.xml and in PlanG options without success.
Pc-fsx is the win7 network name.
Any help welcome.
Thank you in advance
I have solved part of my problem; the cause was that by default winXP does not have Link Layer Discovery Topology and therefore the XP machine was not mapped correctly by the win7 system. Now the PlanG database has been generated through the network but I still have problems when connecting to FSX but I will open a new topic so consider this one closed and thanks for your help.
Thank you very much for responding to my message. I am just trying to follow the manual section 8.5.1 b and I think that I am doing something wrong on the Win7 FSX computer as I can not share its files except public files. Just to try, I have generated a database with another version of FSX on my XP system, I have modified the SimConnect.xml file on the Win7 FSX computer as mentioned in the manual and here also I do not manage to connect to FSX on the Win7 computer.
If you have the necessary knowledge of win7, maybe you can help me; I am already trying many days :(.
Thank you for your help,
End of Title should be:
... access network drive to specify FSX location in PlanG settings
I am trying to connect PlanG to FSX on networked computers. FSX is in Win7. I have shared FSX folder on FSX computer. I have also connected a network drive on XP computer pointing to FSX folder on FSX computer and I get an access denied message when I declare the network drive in PlanG. I am new to Win7 and it is probably linked to access rules on the FSX win7 computer. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help.