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Messages - AST276

Plan-G / Connecting Plan -G to VA server
September 28, 2011, 08:04:16 PM
The VA I belong to has a Server, can I connect Plan-G to this server so as to see the other players aircrafts - if so please explain how or send me to some place for help.

                                                                       Tks AST276
Plan-G / Re: Flying Flight Plan
February 06, 2011, 04:26:48 PM
Tim - If I make a flight plan in Plan -G can u run in from Plan-G or do u have to run it in FS9 just like any other FS flight plan.  Tks. for your time.
Plan-G / Flying Flight Plan
February 04, 2011, 06:27:27 PM
Can you fly a flight plan maded in Plan-G in Plan-G, if so how!.  It doesn't say how in the manual, all help needed.

                                                          Tks for your help FlyingBob
Plan-G / Flying a Flight Plan
January 24, 2011, 03:00:33 PM

                                                                                                                          Addendum to first posting

I have Plan_G v2.0.3 and I am new to this program - I can't figure out how to follow the flight plans -can someone please go step by step on how to do this [what to hook up to etc].  After flight plan is made and ready to fly, how do you made (connect) the airplane fly the flight plan.  Do you use the FS Flight Planner to make the aircraft fly the plan.  Tks in advance for your help.