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Messages - stasork

Plan-G / Re: Printing error
March 13, 2011, 07:16:28 AM
I have similar problem
07:53:36.7 Preview PLOG error: System.Printing.PrintQueueException: PrintTicket provider failed to retrieve PrintCapabilities. Win32 error: -2147221164
   at MS.Internal.Printing.Configuration.PTProvider.GetPrintCapabilities(MemoryStream printTicket)
   at System.Printing.PrintTicketManager.GetPrintCapabilitiesAsXml(PrintTicket printTicket)
   at System.Printing.PrintTicketManager.GetPrintCapabilities(PrintTicket printTicket)
   at System.Printing.PrintQueue.GetPrintCapabilities(PrintTicket printTicket)
   at System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog.UpdatePrintableAreaSize()
   at System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog.get_PrintableAreaWidth()
   at PlanG.clsPrint.PreviewPrintPLOG(FlightPlan fp, Dictionary`2 mPlanWX, PlanG2010 owner)

Drivers are OK

I can print map and terrain, but canot print flightplan (It's quite weird)

G-plan , MFSX and the printer are conected to the same computer.