
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Sundancer

Plan-G / Re: Upgrade to V3.1.1.94
August 23, 2014, 08:57:39 PM
Yes, wonderful, thank you Tim.
Both answers are clear and I'll just stick to only one version.

Plan-G / Re: Upgrade to V3.1.1.94
August 23, 2014, 03:13:41 PM
Thanks Ivan.
All clear to me and now I know how to update.

Plan-G / Re: Upgrade to V3.1.1.94
August 23, 2014, 01:00:05 PM
Thank you so much for your very helpful answer. I really do appreciate that.

@To all the others who maybe want to help me,
Yes, I read the ReadMe.txt file several times and I also read the User Manual, as I wrote in my original posting.

English is not my native language, therefore I wrote the sentence about not getting the message in the section about "TO UNINSTALL"
I am not upgrading from V2.x to V3.x, no I just want to update from V3.1.0.82 to V3.1.1.94
I can not find a passage in the ReadMe.txt file that I have to uninstall or not.

The section for "TO UNINSTALL" says:
All of Plan-G's registry settings can be removed by running the ClearAllSettings.exe tool provided. This should be done before uninstalling. (NB, this step is unnecessary if you are simply updating to a newer version)

To uninstall Plan-G 3.1, 3.0, or 2.0 open the Programs and Features contol panel, select plan-G v2 or Plan-G v3 from the list and click 'uninstall'.
Versions earlier than 2.0 can simply be deleted from the hard drive.


What does mean: "NB, this step is unnecessary if you are simply updating to a newer version."
Does this mean I don't have to uninstall or that I don't have to run the ClearAllSettings.exe tool ?
Sorry, but this is not clear to me !

So, my question is still do I have to uninstall V3.1.0.82 first or not?
Thank you,

Kind regards
Plan-G / Upgrade to V3.1.1.94
August 22, 2014, 09:48:01 PM

I am running V3.1.0.82 and want to upgrade to V3.1.1.94
System: W7, 64 bits, FSX, single PC, .NET 4.51

I read the ReadMe file and latest V3.1.1 July 2014 version of the User Manual, but could not find the answer or did not get the message in the section about 'To Uninstall'

My questions are:
1) Do I have to uninstall V3.1.0.82 before installing V3.1.1.94
2) When the upgrade to V3.1.1.94 is ready do I have to build the database from FSX (again)

Thanks in advance
Plan-G / Active leg
September 21, 2011, 02:05:05 PM
Hi Tim,

I have a question about the behaviour of the Plan window in the Expander part of Plan-G.

Suppose I have a FP which consists of several waypoints and I fly this FP. The Plan window, either as tool window or as displayed in the Expander panel shows me the complete route with the active leg marked as green.
When I reach the end of this leg, Plan-G alerts me for reaching it (set by option) and automatically the Plan windows switches to the next leg as the active one, marked in green as well. So far so good, works perfect.

But, when I want to skip a leg for whatever reason, the problems arise. It is obvious that Plan-G can not automatically determine that a leg, i.e. the active leg is skipped.
In tool window mode there is no possibility to adapt the new next leg as active, but in Expander Panel mode this possibility is available [select next leg, right click and 'set as active leg']
Unfortunately two active legs appear (two green bars) and as from this point all synschronisation is lost, i.e. no automatic switch over to the next leg and no warnings more that a waypoint has been reached.

Is this a bug or is there a work-around for this ?
I did not search all the pages of the forum for this topic, although I read a substantial part of it, but could not find anything about this topic.

B.t.w. Excellent program !!

Info: FSX, W7, single PC, Plan-G:

Plan-G / Re: DEM files
September 16, 2011, 02:57:32 PM
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