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Messages - brianj

Plan-G / Re: Plan G does not fully load.
April 03, 2011, 05:31:22 PM
Hi Ron,
I have the same problem with Plan-G not fully loading when starting.
Try clicking the minimize icon and then restoring from the tray.
It works for me.
Plan-G / Re: Unable to print Plan-G flight plans
March 29, 2011, 11:16:08 PM
As you suggested I printed the temp.xps file and now have my flight plan!   :c017:
I don't know why it didn't print from Plan-G but I can always use this method to save and print my flight plans.
Many thanks for your help.

Brian   :86:
Plan-G / Re: Unable to print Plan-G flight plans
March 29, 2011, 04:19:30 PM
Tim, The Verdana font is working fine on my system!

Here are some further observations that may help.

When I select 'Print Review' from the Home Ribbon the 2-page preview show OK but there is a constant "hourglass icon" that won't change. If I press the print button (with the hourglass icon) the program prints a single blank sheet.
If I select 'Quick Print' I get the previously reported "Illegal character in path" error message.

If I now go to the File Menu and select 'Print Flight Plan' I get the following error message:-

Error Printing PLOG:
The process cannot access the file 'C:\TA Software\Plan-G v2\Plans\temp.xps' because it is being used by another process.
Please see log file for further detail.

This error message is probably due to the 'hourglass icon' hangup! The file temp.xls does exist.

I then closed and reopened Plan-G and reopened the flight plan and went directly to the File Menu.
This time when I selected 'Print Flight Plan' and pressed the Printer Button on the flight plan preview the program printed a blank single sheet of paper.

Hopefully this will enable you to track down and solve this problem. In the meantime I can get copies of the flight plan by using a screen capture program.

Regards - Brian
Plan-G / Re: Unable to print Plan-G flight plans
March 28, 2011, 06:25:26 PM
Hi Tim,
Thanks for your prompt response!

Here is the Plan-G_log.txt file (I had to zip it to reduce size).
I am using FS9 by the way.
Plan-G / Unable to print Plan-G flight plans
March 27, 2011, 11:49:05 PM
Just discovered your excellent program! Thanks.

I have installed Plan-G v2.0.5 (build 493 - updated) for the first time without any problems and am using Microsoft XP with all the latest updates. I keep getting the following error message when trying to print my flight plan or even the included sample flight plans. :33:

Error Printing PLOG:
Illegal characters in path.
Please see log file for further details

Any help in solving this problem would be appreciated.