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Messages - johnboykennard007

Plan-G / plan-g connection problem
July 25, 2011, 11:04:31 PM
Hi, can anyone help me with a problem.  I have been using fsx on my desktop with plan-g on my laptop and through a wireless connection have been able to have plan-g connect to fsx no problem, except that it was slow and the connection would drop out frequently.  Is it possible to use a crossover cable instead of wireless to have plan-g communicate with fsx, as I have not been able to get it co connect with a crossover cable.  Keep getting timed out connection problems.  If it is possibe, can someone please explain to me step by step exactly how to do it.   Would be very grateful to anyone able to help...Johnboy
Plan-G / Re: connecting over network
May 29, 2011, 03:29:08 PM
tim, im convinced my problem is administritive problems, when setting up network drives(mapped), on both computers am getting told I dont have administritive powers.  Am I better just re-installing my op sys, and doing it that way or will that not help.
Plan-G / Re: connecting over network
May 29, 2011, 11:00:02 AM
Also when i ping the desktop link-local ipv6 address from laptop I get a response back, thats good, but when I ping wireless tunnel adaptor ip from desktop to laptop I get host unreachable, timed out, but if i ping the wireless lan from desktop to laptop its good. Is this my problem, I thought the desktop did`nt need to communicate with laptop as plan-g from laptop communicates with desktop. 

Also when I mapped my network drive on the laptop for the desktop, I could not access the folder that fsx was installed in i.e. c:/program files(x86)/microsoft games/microsoft flight simulator x, So had to copy fsx folder to c:/users folder because this was visible from the laptop through z:/ mapped drive I created.  Im new to this networking and am not sure if this is correct or if this might also be my downfall.
Plan-G / Re: connecting over network
May 29, 2011, 09:30:51 AM
Tim, am confused.  Have just changed ipv6 address on laptop to same as desktop(fsx) and am getting a network ip conflict come up saying 2 computers are using the same ip but surely this is what im meant to be achieving for them to communicate together, or am i missing the point??.

Also when i ping the desktop link-local ipv6 address from laptop I get a response back, thats good, but when I ping wireless tunnel adaptor ip from desktop to laptop I get host unreachable, timed out, but if i ping the wireless lan from desktop to laptop its good. Is this my problem, I thought the desktop did`nt need to communicate with laptop as plan-g from laptop communicates with desktop. 

Also when I mapped my network drive on the laptop for the desktop, I could not access the folder that fsx was installed in i.e. c:/program files(x86)/microsoft games/microsoft flight simulator x, So had to copy fsx folder to c:/users folder because this was visible from the laptop through z:/ mapped drive I created.  Im new to this networking and am not sure if this is correct or if this might also be my downfall.
Plan-G / Re: connecting over network
May 29, 2011, 09:23:30 AM
Thanks for that tim.  I have been reading up on using a ethernet cable to achieve a connection between desktop (fsx) and laptop (plan-g), I have a cable here would this be a better and easier way to connect between the 2, and if so is it easier.
Plan-G / Re: connecting over network
May 29, 2011, 08:34:20 AM
Yes point taken, but as i`m not a proficient computer user, I thought posting the numbers would be a  security issue, but yes both sets of numbers do match.  The list of things you have suggested are a bit beyond my understanding and capabilities, can you perhaps let me know how to achieve them  points.

Have checked out the link-local addresses and they are different on each computer, could this be the problem?, and if so how do I resolve this, does it matter which computer I change to match the other one.

Fully appreciate your time in this matter.


Plan-G / Re: connecting over network
May 28, 2011, 11:03:09 AM
Hi Tim, Thanks for reply,

my plan-g connection log is as follows:
07:34:09.9 SimConnect.Connect
07:34:09.9 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv6 Server = xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxb Port = 4506
07:34:29.9 SimConnect remote connection timed out
07:34:29.9 SimConnect.Disconnect

My simconnect.xml is:


With what I have read it can be a hard job getting this to work, and the plan-g manual suggests fuispc4, as this is known to deffinatly work,. Have tried this and still no luck, Is this easier to do?.

Cheers johnboy
Plan-G / connecting over network
May 28, 2011, 09:32:04 AM
Hi. can anyone help me pleazzzzze ?,  I am attempting to run plan-g on a laptop running vista along side my desktop which is windows7 and running the fsx.  I have created a simconnect.xml file as per plan-g instructions in the comprehensive manual, and placed it in the same folder as the fsx.cfg file, have mapped my windows7 drive and laptop can see it, hjave done all the other things I have read in your great forums, but still get a connectivity error coming up.  I am pulling out my hair and my eyeballs are hanging out with over 50 hours time on this problem.  Do I need to map drive both computers?, have tried both mapped and just fsx pc mapped neither work.  Am I missing something very simple ?.  Your help would be gratefully appreciated..