
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Panxua

Thank you for your answer. Anyhow, this happens on my laptop, without any display driver change...
I will try the overlay trick and revert to you thereafter.
Plan-G / Flight plans lines not displaying on the map
October 29, 2014, 03:14:35 PM
Hi Guys !
I recently got some trouble with flight plans displaying. My PlanG V3 version (or FSX) is the, and I have installed it on two networked PCs, one with W7 32 bits, and the other one (the one with the sim) with W7 64 bits.
I have no problem in setting up a plan, and all waypoints are listed accordingly in the plan window. I do save it under *.plg format, and export it in the *.pln format.
The plan does appear in the flight organiser and perfectly works in the plane of my choice.
But no way to display it on the map. Each and every waypoint is visible (a small yellow triangle) but none of the lines drawn between each of the waypoints does appear.
Curiously enough, when activating an approach, the approach path shows up on the map, as of the IAF. But not the plan!
I have tried to bypass the problem by displaying the *.plg version of the plan in lieu of the FSX version. Works at the beginning, but soon, as my plane is moving along its route, and the map is also moving, the lines are disappearing.
Any solution?
Thank you in advance.
A PlanG regular user, I would like to know if my favourite planner could show Enroute ATC radio frequencies.
When in a transcontinental trip, in IFR mode, you are directed to the next center by the current center at the time of changing zone.
Such zones are of course displayed on the screen, and when you pass your mouse on the limit, you get the information relating to the name of the zone.
The virtual controller is giving you the radio frequency of the next ATC zone.
It should therefore be possible that such indication be accessible on the map itself.
Would it be possible that such function be included in a future version ?

The interest is of course that you could prepare on your radio set, as a stanby frequency, the next one, and have just to push the button to get contact with the next controller.

Thank you for your answer.

Have nice flights.
Hello everybody!
I am new in this forum, although I have been using Plan G for some time now.
A suggestion induced by some experiment in flight planning with Plan G.
Today, I am planning a short flight from LFBE to LFBT, in order to test Aerosoft Twin Otter KLN 90B, and in particular the VNAV feature. A very simple one : LFBU, then SAU VOR (with indicated frequency: 116,8 MHz), then the instrument approach via TBO VOR, which, according to the published plates, is the IAF for a LFBT ILS landing.
The TBO approach is listed, and I validate it. Now, my plan is reading : LFBU; SAU (with frequency); TBO (without frequency); TL (NDB without frequency); FF20 (FAF) and RW20 (without any mention of the ILS).
Would it be possible, in a Plan G future version, that the Navaids in approaches be listed with their respective frequencies?
I am sure that all users would be grateful.