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Messages - artalvar55

Plan-G / Re: Unable to see Terrain Profile
January 25, 2012, 08:26:29 PM

Hi Tim:

Any news regarding this issue ?


Plan-G / Basic (KML file) or raw txt file with Lat/Lon
January 16, 2012, 09:48:26 PM

Many times, I do share my files with my group, specially if Flying VFR, I read with special interest and attention your manual in regards to creating KMZ files. I do undersatand the limitations or restirctions imposse by Google.

In any event, is there a way to have an export function with decimal Lat/Lon of the each point (Apt,VOR,NDB, UserPoint, etc) that make up the FP (simple TXT file with ID,Lat,Lon), so I can create the Path manually using Google Map and then share it with my friends ??...

Thanks again and regards,

Plan-G / Re: Navigraph
January 16, 2012, 05:29:25 PM

really looking forward to it...!!!...great...!!!
Plan-G / Re: Unable to see Terrain Profile
January 16, 2012, 02:56:20 PM
Good morning Tim:

Thanks in advance for your help Tim. I have also attached a Screen Shot along with the Plan-GLog.txt file for your review.


Plan-G / Unable to see Terrain Profile
January 16, 2012, 05:21:38 AM

Hi All:

Plan_G was working just fine and all of the sudden the Terrain Profile disappeared when opening up (or extending out by using  the double-arrow) just to increase my view of the main terrain area.

After attempting to restore the the previous size in order to see the profile again, the profile was gone. Nor on the main window or on the print report, I was able to see it again.

I run the small EXE application to restart the map and I downloaded again the F10g file and place it again into the DEM folder (deleting first the previous one, not to overwrite it), but I am still unable to see the profile of my flight.

I am just wondering what went wrong.

Another question is:  Is there any possibility to change the vertical scale of the traffic profiles ?

Thanks again and best regards,



It is working now. I do not know what went wrong Tim. I did remove it and installed it again. It is one of those mysterious and inexplicable things that happen in VISTA. Honestly, I do not have a clue.

In any event, thanks for your help and support. It is a great application.


Art  :D

Thanks Tim. What am I missing ??..I do not see that on my T-A Directory...



Attached is the Log..

Any idea Tim ??..still not working...and the same issues with Internet..



I've being using Plan-G since last year, by the way, a fantastic program. I left the application alone for several months (after updating it to the most recent version: it worked fine). Lately (a few days back), I started to experience some issues displaying the maps (extremely slowed and then "No-responding" MSG) and I had to close it down. So, today I decided to unistalled it (using the Control Panel: Programs) and reinstalling it again.

I downloaded and proceed to reinstall the app without success. I built the FSX DB, but unable to see any map at all.

I'd appreciate a further guidance to solve the issue. My system is VISTA.

Thanks and regards,
