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Messages - Chake

The Reporting Point / Re: VRP for Germany
September 30, 2013, 09:30:07 PM
@maletin: Of course, you may, but I'm not sure whether you got the rights to add something. If you can't, just give me the coordinates and I try to put the VRP in. Thanks for your correction/addition/reply!
The Reporting Point / Re: VRP for Germany
July 24, 2013, 08:31:50 PM
Thanks to Tim for fixing the file!

Meanwhile I also created a GoogleMap showing the VRP. Please visit:
The Reporting Point / VRP for Germany
August 12, 2011, 03:01:51 PM
Please find attached the VRP for Germany. I got the coordinates from They should be acurate.

Just import the file as User Waypoints.
Option #2 works. Thanks for your quick answer!
Hi and Thanks for Plan-G! It's by far the best free Flight Planning Tool and much better than a lot of payware!

Therefore I want to use this tool for Flight Planning on a machine, where FSX is not running. Is there any possibility to establish the database anyway? Which files do I have to copy from the FSX-Installation or is there even a way to let Plan-G read the installation DVD's?

Greetings from Germany and thanx for your replies!