
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Jihemtee

Plan-G / Re: Graphic Problem - Plan G window resizing
February 13, 2012, 12:40:14 AM
I'm sorry to renew this post, but as I didn't get any answer from the team and still have this permanent huge graphic bug, I'm wondering if someone could get a solution. To resume the above initial post, my Plan G windows is nearly impossible to manipulate or resize with the mouse and frezees everytime... (Windows 7 x 64)
Any idea? Thx...
Plan-G / Graphic Problem - Plan G window resizing
August 16, 2011, 04:43:04 PM
First of all thanks for this brillant piece of software. It works marvelously well, even can see the multiplayer flyers on an external session, as far as you configure correctly host and server port!

I hope my problem is not mentionned elsewere here, I couldn't find it:

I'm running Plan G on a Windows 7 x 64 computer. After the software launch, my Plan G main window comes in a random size. Its working well in full screen, but resizing it manualy is quite impossible. Little arrows to resize the window just appear at the top or the left of the window, unavailable at bottom or right. Moreover, trying to expand the windows by the top or left, it's just possible to expand it extremely slowly, for less than one second, then the window frezzes and the only way to get it active again is to switch to another running app, then going back to Plan G and try again for a few more millimeters...
Having seen the post above I try the Clearallsettings app, without any success...
Any idea?
Thx in advance