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Messages - rheitzman

The a/c track track is way off running v3.1.1 when flying my SkyCart. And sometimes it even flips form one side of the expected track to the other.  I just download the SkyCart from an obscure site - perhaps the a/c has a problem?

Thanks for looking into the matter. I'm really enjoying the download!  :azn:


Plan-G / Re: Can I export route as a KML/KMZ file?
February 11, 2014, 03:54:05 AM
Where is the log file on Win7?
Plan-G / Re: Can plan-g Interfare with x-plane
February 11, 2014, 03:48:29 AM
Speaking of GPS buttons - where are they now? I can find the GPS buttons at all.

I can't find the Plan-G3 version string either. I think I have the latest. file has

Plan-G / Re: Add To Plan button not functional
February 11, 2014, 03:39:09 AM
ditto to the OP - I Go to the found airport and use context menu to Start the Plan there. Add to Plan works after that.
Plan-G / Re: Opening Plan g3 window in FSX
February 11, 2014, 03:35:07 AM
Is FSX running full screen? If so try running it as a window (alt-Enter), that should allow you to see both windows on the screen at once. If you give FSX the focus Plan-G will go behind FSX. If you have the task bar showing you can Plan-G to the foreground again via the icon.

If you like to run full screen a second monitor is the way to go.
Plan-G / KML Point Plot
February 11, 2014, 03:28:01 AM
First time trying to import a KML file. I have a point in Google Earth that I did a Save As.. to a .KML file. On import Plan-g centers on the area (or maybe that is where it was) but the point does not show up. Is there a problem with the attached file? I stripped off the header but that didn't help.

Some may recognize the point as part of FSAddons Tongass_Fjords_X. Might someone know of a KML file that works with Plan-G for Tongass_Fjords?
Plan-G / Re: UAC Fix
February 26, 2012, 09:41:16 PM
Thanks - operator error on my part - didn't follow the Run As... directions!

Plan-G / UAC Fix
February 26, 2012, 06:58:20 PM
I really like Plan-G, except for UAC halting everything when I start the program. I know "turn of UAC" - fine if all you do is run Plan-G, but it is irresponsible to be running w/o protection these days IMHO.

In the next release PLEASE stop doing whatever you are doing that triggers the UAC prompt. 99.9999% of the installed programs out there don't trigger UAC, I'm sure it can be done.

Thanks for a great tool!

Maybe you should come out with a nagware version with new features and UAC fix?

I'd love to see a Plan-G - SkyVector merge!