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Messages - jamino63

Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 09, 2021, 01:55:02 PM
Finally, your last answer is the right one, indeed the airspaces appear only in North America with X-plane11.

Thank you very much for your help, and for your application
Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 09, 2021, 10:14:56 AM
I do not know if you have to choose a particular map to show air spaces ?...
Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 09, 2021, 10:10:09 AM
Thank you TIM

I just downloaded version V4 00253

I deleted the old Plan-G V4 folder in the documents, and recreated the new database.

I may not be doing the right test, but I still do not see the airspace, despite the different actions with the check buttons and the different zooms.

I am enclosing my installation TXT file

Thanks to you
Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 08, 2021, 11:27:46 AM
Please take the time to correct the little Bugs.

For my part, can I intervene and correct directly in the file concerned.

I am really satisfied with Plan-G V4

Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 07, 2021, 10:16:09 PM
I hope to reach you the good requested files

Thank you for your help
Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 07, 2021, 03:53:24 PM
"C:\Users\CHAIGNE Jacki\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\MEF.db"
"C:\Users\CHAIGNE Jacki\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\Plan-G_LogBook.db"
"C:\Users\CHAIGNE Jacki\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\Plan-G_NavDataXPL.db"
"C:\Users\CHAIGNE Jacki\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\Plan-G_NavDataXPL_Bak.db"
"C:\Users\CHAIGNE Jacki\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\UWpts4.db"
Plan-G / Re: Aerial Space Display
November 07, 2021, 03:49:43 PM
Thank you for answering me;

I installed the Xplane 11 Database by default, the Plan-Gv4 files folder is installed in the Documents folder.

I only checked the X-plane11.exe link in the folder where X-Plane 11 is installed.

I practiced in the same way with the previous versions without problem, the air spaces were present
Plan-G / Aerial Space Display
November 06, 2021, 02:29:20 PM
I have the latest V4 version, I use Xplane 11 with recent update; I cannot display the air spaces on the Plan-G map, despite the different zoom and altitude selections, I reloaded the Data from X_plane11 and check the Plan-G options, gift impossible to see the areas.
Note: on previous versions of Plan-G version 3., everything was correct.
If you know the reason for my problem, thank you for your information

j'ai  eu le même problème, impossible de construire la base DATA pour Xplane10.
Après plusieurs demandes au secours, sans réponses et plusieurs installations et réinstallations, rien ne se passer.
Ayant plusieurs disques installés sur mon ordi, Xplane 10 était installé sur un disque nomé G:
J'ai décidé de changer le nom du disque est lui attribué la lettre D:, ensuite je refais la constrution de la base de données pour Xplane10, et miracle la base s'est construite rapidement et complétement.

Ici je voulais simplement vous faire part de cette remarque.
Plan-G3 ne reconnait peut-être  les liens que pour  C: ou D: ???


Plan-G / Re: Bug with X-Plane Flight Plans
August 25, 2012, 09:49:53 PM
Modifier dans panneau de configuration,
Rubrique modifier format des nombres le symbole décimal "," par un point "."
Redemarrer votre ordinateur, et le tour est joué. plus de Bug et tout fonctionne correctement pour les plans de vol Xplane 10

