
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - lonesomepilot


which log, from where ?

I install plan-G on a other PC (client) than the PC where I run FSX (server).
I can connect properly plan-G with FSX with respect to the initialization of G-plan: base FSX.
I can also save a flight plan in the right directory of the game (server).

I can connect to FSX as I'm on the preparation page for my free flight... BUT, as soon as I press the button "take-off" my plan-G on my "client" PC crashes with a message "Plan-G has stopped working ...." !

Have you ever experience this problem? can you help me?

thank you
Plan-G / plan a flight in IFR
September 21, 2011, 06:58:08 AM

please, can you explain me how i can configure the SID from the departure airport and the STAR for the arrival airport ?

I don't understand the explaination in the example of the user guide, which speak only of the arrival ...
I would like for example to plan the complete flight from LFPG (gateway 77 then runway 27R for example) to LIMF airport ...

Thank you for your help,