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Messages - zachlog

Plan-G / Re: Aircraft Position Stops Updating
March 23, 2013, 11:10:05 PM
After many flights, the problem seems to occur when the PC running Plan-G is connected to the network wirelessly.  When using a wired connection, the problem does not occur.  It's a bit strange since the wireless signal is always 90%+ and I never had a wireless connection drop/disconnect.  However, the results are what they are so it's wired communications moving forward when using Plan-G.

Plan-G / Re: Aircraft Position Stops Updating
February 03, 2013, 02:03:23 AM

Per my original post in this post, connect/disconnect re-enables position updating but this is only a "solution" if the position stops updating infrequently.  If it happens every couple of minutes in a 3-hour flight, this feature becomes unusable.

Having said this, after doing a few more flights the last couple of days, I am seeing a pattern developing for this problem.  The pattern is that the problem seems to occur when connected in "Sync" mode.  In my last two flights, I remained connected in "Free" mode and the problem did not occur.  In the same flights, when I switched to "Sync" mode, ran fine for about a couple of minutes then the posiiton stopped updating.  After doing a few more flights, I will let you know if this pattern continues to hold.

Plan-G / Re: Aircraft Position Stops Updating
January 27, 2013, 12:58:32 AM

I too have had several flights without position update problems but occasionally on some flights the aricraft's position just stops updating (per my initial post at the top) so fixing these intermittent failures is the challenge.  These failures seem to be random, no discernable pattern.

Plan-G / Re: Aircraft Position Stops Updating
January 26, 2013, 09:19:59 PM

The aircraft position stopped updating today and it happened multiple times.  I don't see anything in the log that would indicate there is an error but then I am attaching the Plan-G log if you want to give it a look.

Plan-G / Re: Aircraft Position Stops Updating
January 01, 2013, 05:17:24 PM

I tried it again and of course now it worked......the aircraft's position is updating as expected.  I will post again if the problems recurs.  I have two questions though:
1. Can the updating of the aircraft position's (i.e., the problem I described in this post) be impacted by the FSX filght plan (*.PLN file) ?
2. Looking at the Plan-G log of the test I just ran, there is a ton of these entries: "12:07:08.6 DrawFlightplanMarker: False".  Is this a problem ?

Thanks and Happy New Year,
Plan-G / Re: Aircraft Position Stops Updating
December 31, 2012, 10:21:30 PM
I have never looked at the log....where do I find it ?

Plan-G / Aircraft Position Stops Updating
December 30, 2012, 05:39:32 PM
I use Simconnect to connect to the PC running FSX from my Plan-G laptop, no problem.  However, after the position of the aircratf is updated a few times, the aircraft ceases to update and it continues to display on the map.  Using the default 5 sec update interval.  I can reconnect by doing Disconnect/Connect but obviously I cannot be doing this every couple of minutes.  I had the same problem with Plan-G v2.0.5.493 and thought upgrading to (current version) would solve the problem but it did not.  Plan-G laptop is W7 and Plan-G was installed and runs with Administrator privileges.  Any ideas on how fix this problem.
Plan-G / Re: "Flight Plan Route Weather" is empty
November 14, 2011, 12:14:24 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on November 13, 2011, 09:41:44 PM
Can you check the log? It should show any weather calls to FS, and if any errors are returned.

I determined the problem.  I had thought that Plan-G retrieves weather AND flightplan waypoint data directly and exclusively from FSX if flight planning is not done in Plan-G but I guess this is not the case.  The flight plan must be loaded to Plan-G anyway so now weather data for the destination airport is visible.  The KATL weather data I was seeing prior to loading the flight plan was because it was the nearest station and not because this was also the origin misunderstanding.

Plan-G / Re: "Flight Plan Route Weather" is empty
November 13, 2011, 10:01:18 PM
There are several entries with the word "weather", I don't see anything suggesting an error, what specifically am I looking for ?  Below is a typical "weather" entry in the log.

WEATHER OBSERVATION: %sKATL&A313 131952Z 19011G18KT&D304NG 22230KT&A601HG 22731KT&A1515NG 24134KT&A2430NG 25240KT&A3344LG 27054KT&A5173LG 27666KT&A7002LG 28682KT&A8831LG 28990KT&A10050LG 29195KT&A11574NG 80KM&B-1813&D3184 3CU150&CU001FLMN000N 7CI250&CI001FNMN000N 22/08 10/-1&A601 09/-2&A1515 06/-8&A2430 01/-11&A3344 -8/-13&A5173 -21/-28&A7002 -36/-48&A8831 -45/-51&A10050 -57/-59&A11574 Q1019 @@@ 30 10 222 30 | 60 9 227 31 | 90 6 241 34 | 120 1 252 40 | 180 -8 270 54 | 240 -21 276 66 | 300 -36 286 82 | 340 -45 289 90 | 390 -57 291 95 |

Plan-G / "Flight Plan Route Weather" is empty
November 13, 2011, 09:21:44 PM
Running v2.0.5.493.  I connect to FSX over the network using SimConnect, moving map works well.  I want to be able to see the weather along the way but especailly at the destination airport.  When I open the Weather Data Expander, "Flight Plan Route Weather" is empty but the column headings are there.....Station, Timer At, etc.  The Nearest Weather Station just above it shows the weather of the origin airport (KATL).  In the File | Options, all 3 weather options are checked.  What else do I need to do to see weather along the way and destination airport ?
