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Messages - AirborneTroop173

Plan-G / Addtional questions
November 25, 2011, 09:23:55 PM
I dont seem to be able to find VOR information for the airports and is there a way to display weather stations?  When I  plan in plan g using airports the vor information isn't displayed in the textual form of the flight plan, when i import from fsx it is displayed.  Also, which flight planner contains more information, the plan g or fsx.  I ask because when plan g flight plan is saved, it says extended information as part of the file name.
Plan-G / Weather question
November 25, 2011, 08:43:06 AM
While Plan G is connected to FSX, I see the weather updates in the weather  panel, but what's missing is weather at other altitudes.  I usually fly between FL10 and FL 25.  the only weather data available is at 6000 feet in the weather panel.  I am connected to FSX with the weather option checked.  Also i dont see weather at any of my enroute waypoints.
Plan-G / VRPs
November 24, 2011, 07:42:02 PM
What exactly are VRPs and how do I read the data in the .csv file as far as the column header.  What is the data?
Plan-G / Re: Start Order?
November 24, 2011, 07:28:33 PM
Maybe not approach plate standard but definelty work.  I've flown for six straight hours today almost missing Thanksgiving dinner.  Needless to say, the approaches that I used from Plan G seem to work just fine.  I did notice however that Plan G has many more navaids and airports available than does FSX.  I guess since FSX in static in nature where Plan G is much more dynamic.  I have been using Plan G fligh planner as well with little problem.  For example, when I overstress an A/C the natural tendency is to start at the origin airport.  In my fligh plan I hop from many airports to airports and had some difficulty activating the leg I was intending to fly.  Lets say i started at "KFSM and hopped to KLIT then to KJFK" if i crashed after take off from KLIT, fsx would start me back at KFSM, of course I can start the fligh again from KLIT, but then the flight plan has to be reloaded from Plan G, by doing this the entire flight plan gets loaded with the wrong leg activated.  I would start at KLIT but the flight p lan active leg is KFSM and I was unable to activate the correct leg while flying and connected to FSX.  I also disconnected and still was unsucessful. I'm not sure if FSX or Plan G remembers the last leg flown of a flight plan so that i can be resumed at a  later time, unless it has to be manually saved under a differnet name.  Any suggestions, hope I didn't confuse you.  Thanks again.  Happy Thanksgiving!!
Plan-G / Re: Start Order?
November 24, 2011, 06:37:07 AM
Thanks.  Great software.  I'm still trying to figure out the approaches though.  I was so used to looking at approach plates using Copilot Pro from abacus, but Plan G is so much more.
Plan-G / Pipe or not to Pipe?
November 23, 2011, 07:47:43 PM
Newbie here to Plan G, I understand from the manual that pipe is the fastest way to communicate internally with a pc, does this apply when plan g and fsx are on the same pc?  Im trying to fiugre the best connection settings on my pc.  I have both simconnect and fsuipc,  I figure if i use simconnect with pipe I shouldn't have any  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
Plan-G / Start Order?
November 23, 2011, 02:46:40 PM
Newbie here, to plan g.  Does it matter which program starts first? FSX then Plan G or Plan G then  FSX?  Thanks.