
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - Fjodor

When I had just v2 every flight plan was loaded OK. I installed also v3 into my pc. After that I made 2 FPL in v2 and saved them, but FS2004 did not load them. She saw them, but after click on load, nothing happened, was not loaded. FPLs maded before installation v3 loaded without probs. I went PC back to a previous state (before instalation v3) and made a FPL, was loaded perfect as before.
Plan-G / Re: IVAO Intergration
August 22, 2012, 10:05:11 AM
It works nice both in FS2004 and FSX. 200 km is enough, I guess... ;) /VFR flying/
Just what you can not see are few information about the aircraft because the info is from FS and not from the IVAO servers (A/C type, A/C label...). And he has to have transponder on, of course, to see him... ;)
Plan-G / Re: bravissimo !!
August 22, 2012, 09:54:52 AM
I would like to thank you too!!! ;D ;D ;D
Plan-G / Re: Edit icon and or function
August 22, 2012, 09:44:43 AM
+1 ;)
Plan-G / Re: loading a pln g flight plan into fsx
August 06, 2012, 09:34:41 AM
You have to save your plan made in Plan-G also in fs version. It has to be in manual for Plan-G, so, please, read it... ;)
Plan-G / Re: Unable to launch Plan-G
August 06, 2012, 09:31:35 AM
I have win7 64 HP also. Because of Microsoft >:D I am using TimeFreeze to check any new application on my system... If something is wrong, I just restart PC and everything is as before, no system change, no registry entry... If it is OK, just accept all changes or restart PC and install it again as before without TimeFreeze...
Maybe just a help for the future - everything I am using for flying (FS, IVAO apps and Plan-G too) I am installing and starting not just as Administrator but also in compatibility with XP SP2. I have not any problems... ;)
1. You have to fly FSX in a window mode.
2. FSX on left monitor, Plan-G on right one.
3. You have to have FPL loaded on Plan-G.
4. You have to be connected to FSX! - You have to see yourself as yellow aircraft at the airport.

And as a first of all you have to READ THE MANUAL... ;)
Happy flying!
Quote from: tim arnot on April 10, 2011, 11:24:17 PM
It's possible that FS9 doesn't show the restricted & danger area.

Just one point - It shows, I have no problem. But just for a better information about all areas and CTR/TMA the FSX database is better - I am flying both FS9 (online) and FSX (offline) so have both databases and compared them... ;)
Some airports have different position so do not mix the plans between FS9 and FSX!!!
Just for the information - it was in the day or night and did you have a correct QNH ;)?
Day and night - in our division one from the pilots had a problem in FS that while in the day at the altitude he was over a hill, in the night flight at the same altitude he crashed... So, something is between heaven and earth... ;)
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G and auto pilot
July 16, 2012, 08:30:58 AM
Fantastic... ;) I look forward... ;)
Plan-G is mostly for VFR flying although there is also IFR button. You can manage the entry points according to maps. You can do this in planning as a nav. point or you can add the user point and you will have it still on the map - I prefer this, but before flight you should check the AIP, if it is still valid. For offline flying it does not matter, but in online the ATC is working with the valid maps.

I am using Plan-G just for VFR flying...

About SIDs and STARs - you can add these yourself according to SID and STAR maps of the airport, if you really want it.

And, BTW, will be better to use search button in the forum - right side on top, you will find this:
Plan-G / Re: elevation files
December 06, 2011, 06:24:55 AM
RTM - Read The Manual - page 37.
You have to put them directly to the folder DEM, the files have to be extracted... ;)
Plan-G / Re: No online traffic in Plan-G
December 03, 2011, 10:27:33 PM
Quote from: mikegogs on December 10, 2009, 10:55:45 PM
... there is no data for individual aircraft in the Traffic Expander columns Reg, From, and To.  In the a/c column, n/a appears in every case. ...

Should this work now properly or still these information are missing?
I do not see these information...

Plan-G / Re: Auto disconnect?
December 03, 2011, 10:02:19 PM
I have no problem with this - win7 x64 fs9 FSUIPC, just in case of changing the airport I have a trail on the map... :P