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Messages - bobflight28

I'm new as well but I think your first port of call is to check out the program requirements on the 'home page' for the version your running, the latest ver is for fsx sp2. I also noticed your not running xp sp3, sp2 is not supported by MS and there have been many (hundreds) of security updates for sp3

Plan-G / Re: Changing Altitude in flight at waypoints
January 03, 2012, 01:33:47 PM
thanks for getting back , is was the 'passing Altitude I was after and have just re looked at the manual and I had missed the 'double click' requirement to enter altitude at the waypoint.
sorry for not making it clear in my post.
Plan-G / Changing Altitude in flight at waypoints
January 03, 2012, 11:15:21 AM
Hi just got going on G-plan and done a couple of flights using G-Plan vfr flight planner.
Just wanted to know if its possible to get back to the original menu/screen of setting up the flight plan info, the reason is whilst in flight I wanted to change the altitudes at some of the waypoints, or is there another way to do it.
