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Messages - Clutch Cargo

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G "stuck" on initial screen.
March 20, 2020, 05:26:30 PM
Thanks for the clarification.  I was assuming one "exported" the data as opposed to copying it over.  It now works fine!
Plan-G / Plan-G "stuck" on initial screen.
March 19, 2020, 10:06:00 PM
I installed the latest version of Plan-G on a Windows 10 laptop (as a client), to work with my P3Dv4 on my desktop.  Plan-G opened up on its initial screen asking to update the database.  I entered the paths to P3D and it seemed to connect as I could see familiar sceneries being added and received no error message at the end.  That's as far as I get.

All other options are still grayed out so I cannot connect to my P3D PC.  After further reading the forums here I installed Plan-G on my Desktop (which I might add runs great from there but oddly it did not ask to build a database?), and exported the data to a file which I then imported on my laptop.  But still cannot get out of the initial build database screen.  Attached is my log file.  Maybe you can point where I am going wrong?  Thanks.

Update - just went through my Homegroup, sharing, permissions.  Made sure sharing was on for my Plan-G folder.  It wasn't.  Worked instantly  ;D

And just want to add you have an EXCELLENT user's manual.  So much so I just printed it out on nice 28lb. paper and have it in it's own binder.  If I didn't know better I would swear you are a technical writer by trade.

All the best,

Thx, good tips.  I will start looking at those areas.

I installed Plan-G several months ago on a 2nd PC (a remote laptop) and it worked the first time after setting up SimConnect.  Now, all I get is a time out.  Maybe you can see what I can't?  I have attached my log  from the laptop and my SimConnect.xml file from my FSX PC.



Well nevermind, happyu to say I solved the issue.  Not by smarts mind you.  I just swapped laptops!  So my Toshiba never would work with Plan-G but I installed it on my HP and bam! out of the gates it's connecting fine the first try.   Why?  Have no idea and at this point don't care, ha!  So that answered my question above.
This is sort of a two-parter question so let me deal with the first part just to see if I am on the right path to get my two PC's workin' with your fine program.  I have FSX on a seperate drive (X:) which makes it really simple to have Plan-G find my path for FSX. With that said...

Question - Do I need to manually set/allow sharing for each folding on my FSX PC for the entire path to get to the simconnect.xml file?  Or by editing the file on the FSX pc and then entering matching data on the Plan-G pc is supposed to make the connection for me? 

Reason being I can share folders easily on all drives with the exception of my C:, especially it seems sharing (and even seeing) the path of user/application data/microsoft/FSX, is at this point beyond me.   I just don't want to keep trying to resolve this side if Plan-G does this for me.


Plan-G / Re: Cannot see aircraft - User or AI
July 11, 2011, 07:18:38 PM
Thx for the reply,

I am using Simconnect (IP4 have selection on Auto) and this was not online flying.  I think I know the AI issue.  I was doing a lot of testing and had turned down all my AI.  I was about to verify it this morning however a new issue has popped up.  Plan-G is crashing now every time about 15 seconds after start up.

Here is the error report it generated:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01:   plang.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03:   4d836f53
  Problem Signature 04:   BeatlesBlog.SimConnect
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06:   4a593cba
  Problem Signature 07:   65
  Problem Signature 08:   6f
  Problem Signature 09:   System.NullReferenceException
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   0a9e
  Additional Information 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:   0a9e
  Additional Information 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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FYI - Laptop has a fresh install of Windows7 Home Premium.  Just last night I did a massive amount of Windows7 updates (like the SP1 and several others) and 3 of those were .NET framework 4.  Updates were:


After the updates last night I shut down the laptop for the night and this morning booted up and started Plan-G which not will not stay open.


Plan-G / Cannot see aircraft - User or AI
July 10, 2011, 09:40:25 PM
Just did my first install of Plan-G with it's latest version.  Seems like a very powerful program however I have a little issue.

I believe I have everything installed and running properly on a networked PC.  I was able to compile my FSX database.  I can connect to my FSX PC.  But when I press F6 for aircraft or SHIFT + F6 for AI aircraft I see nothing.  All settings are default (ranges are at defaults).  Pretty sure my function keys are working as I press F5 and it appears to zoom into the airport. (reminds me, is there a list somewhere of the function keys Plan-G uses?).

Can I see my aircraft if I do not have a flight plan filed?  Just want to do some free-flight flying and follow along.

