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Messages - jnn

Plan-G / Re: Plan G vs FSNav
February 12, 2012, 11:52:49 PM

First of all, this is a fantastic program.  The beautiful map views are the best out there.  It really enhances FSX big time.
My question... In FS Navigator you could have the program "autoland" a plane by being able to connect it to the autopilot in FS2004 and it would land the plane simply and ACCURATELY!  It would tie into the ILS localizer and glidescope and work like a charm.  You would control the speed, gear and flaps etc. but the program would hook you up to the ILS frequency, set approach, bring you automatically down to decision height and the other necessary autopilot functions. Unfortunately, the developer cancelled the project with the arrival of FSX. No other developer has has done this since. At least one that worked correctly.  I enjoyed this feature because I like FSX and flying but I can't land the heavys worth a darn and I'm tired of fighting it! I can't enjoy the new fantastic sceneries as much as I'd like.  I don't want to be a "real" pilot. Is there any chance that you would incorporate this in Plan-G?  I see a lot of comments on FS forums with people looking for the same idea. I would gladly pay a retail price for Plan-G with this feature. 
Thanks for your work,