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Messages - georgesm

From Plan-G log file:
11:11:14.2 IsInternetConnected failed: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)

Thanks Tim for your quick answer.
Plan-G is a very nice tool and I'm working with it for all my VFR flight !
The question is that you don't need to understand about proxies ! the only thing
is where can I configure proxy in Plan-G ? You have to be able to configure the name
of the proxy server , the username and password to get out to the internet !
All these I know as I'm browsing the internet through those !
I want to make a flight-plan during my pause at work ! I dont have any FS at work
but i have a proxy connection to the internet !
How can I operate Plan-G ? It says that it requires an internet connection but I dont know
where to configure the proxy server ;name and pasword !
Thanks for your help