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Messages - DonMunro

Plan-G / Re: cannot "edit" existing plan
March 06, 2016, 01:54:34 AM
Oh, I see... you click on the cell and nothing changes until you start typing. Then it works fine.  8)
Plan-G / cannot "edit" existing plan
March 05, 2016, 04:41:08 PM
I know that I must be doing something wrong...
I created the tutorial plan in the manual and then went to edit the "Passing Alt" fields, as suggested. When I double click on the Passing Alt cell nothing happens.. I cannot enter data into the cell.


latest version of Plan-G
Win 7-64 bit
This has probably been covered before, but I couldn't find it  :P

I just did a fresh install of Plan-G v3.1.3.113 (re-built the FSX & X-Plane databases) and followed the instructions in Section 11.3 of the Manual. When I opened the X-Plane data on the data Ribbon and attempted to Import the FSX Airspace CSV file the Database Control dialog box went to Not Responding for quite awhile and then finally came back with "Merged 0 records".

The CSV file is made up of 21259 records as the manual says, so I think that's OK.

I hope that someone can give me a hint of what's gone wrong.

Don Munro
Win 7/64 - 16GB RAM
i7-3770 @ 4.40GHz

[edit] I went back and re-did it......... it worked fine.  >:D >:D >:D
Plan-G / Re: questions about elevations in ORBX NZSI
August 03, 2014, 06:20:47 PM
Hi Tim,
Please clarify that... when did I download data from NASA?


[edit] sorry about that... old-timers memory lapse  :P 
I did install some of the NOAA DEM files when I first installed Plan-G. I just checked and the L sector (NZ/Aust) is in the Plan-G DEM folder. I am now downloading the entire set and will replace the originals... on the off chance that they are corrupted.

Plan-G / Re: questions about elevations in ORBX NZSI
August 03, 2014, 06:04:04 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 03, 2014, 05:55:49 PM
The mesh installed in Plan-G is 1.2km

The mesh installed in FSX is 10m

Obviously the FSX mesh is going to be much more accurate.

Plan-G has no access to the mesh inside FSX, only its own.

Oh really???
WOW, I thought that Plan-G was reading the FSX, or whatever is installed data.
hmmm... that casts a whole new light on things

So we should only rely on Plan-G for navigational information and ignore the elevation output?


Plan-G / Re: questions about elevations in ORBX NZSI
August 03, 2014, 06:01:04 PM
Quote from: ivanrk on August 03, 2014, 10:33:54 AM

I experienced the exact same problem.  I have ORBX New Zealand and fly regularly in the South Island around Queenstown Wanaka Dunedin Milford Sound etc.  I always fly 1500' above the highest point Plan-G gives me on its map.  However I regularly crash into the mountains unless I add dramatically more to my height.  Not sure where the problem lies but certainly the altitude provided in Plan-G cannot be relied upon.  I can only assume the error is within ORBX as I would be surprised if the altitudes we have downloaded into Plan-G are wrong.


Hi Ivan,
Whew... I thought this was only me  :D
I think that you have it backwards in the last sentence... it IS Plan-G... as far as I can tell the ORBX scenery agrees very closely with reality. At least what Google Earth says is reality. Also, the water level on lakes varies by hundreds of feet in Plan-G. Find a big lake and do some elevation spot checks.
Plan-G / Re: questions about elevations in ORBX NZSI
August 03, 2014, 05:52:32 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 03, 2014, 10:59:05 AM
Sounds like a limitation of the DEM you have installed. You could always try editing it in an image editor (Paint, photoshop etc) - it's only a greyscale bitmap.

Hi Tim,
I really do not understand this... what does "a limitation of the DEM you have installed" mean?  Do you mean that the mesh is too accurate and that it should be flattened out? That doesn't make sense to me. We don't buy hi-def scenery so that NZ can look like the UK.

Why can't Plan-G simply report the data values that are in the installed mesh?

I also have ORBX PNW loaded and have not had any difficulties with that... plenty of high mountains there.

When I do a database re-build does it "flush" all of the old values and completely re-build the database or does it only update changed values?

Should I un-install Plan-G, remove all traces of it and then re-install it?


[edit] I think I understand now... "a limitation of the DEM you have installed" means the NOAA DEM that's installed. I thought that you meant the enhanced scenery DEMs that are installed in FSX. eg ORBX FTX Regions or UTX etc, etc
Plan-G / questions about elevations in ORBX NZSI
August 02, 2014, 08:49:19 PM
Hi everyone,
I normally fly sailplanes with UKVGA (UK Virtual Gliding Assoc) and several days ago I decided to fly a task from Omarama, NZ.  (plg file is attached)
As I was flying I noticed that that the mountain terrain around me seemed to be much higher than I expected... at least to my eye.

I didn't complete the task and "landed out"... my altimeter at that point was ~4500ft and I failed to clear a ridge that Plan-G said was ~2800ft. Later on I took my A2A Cherokee out and confirmed that many of the peaks and ridges are MUCH higher than Plan-G says they are.

I have been having good discussions on the ORBX & UKVGA forums about this and today one of the ORBX guys provided me with the attached Google Earth screenshot for a peak in the Omarama area called Snowy Top.

the following is a copy of what I posted at UKVGA and ORBX
I just discovered a HUGE anomaly... I created a User Waypoint in Plan-G at the coordinates for Snowy Top (from attached GE screenshot)

S 44 24.327 = -44.40545 
E 169 45.952 = 169.76588 (Plan-G needs the decimalized numbers)

Plan-G says that the waypoint's elevation is 3192 ft  GE says it's 5654 ft

Stranger still is that if I check spot elevations right around the waypoint it says 4377 on one side and 4649 on the other (1000+ feet higher than the waypoint on the peak, but still 1000+ feet lower than GE)

I then thought... this is weird. I wonder if Plan-G's elevations are screwed up everywhere.
You will be relieved to know that the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea are both at 0 ft 
BUT, spot elevation checks on various lakes in the vicinity of Omarama are all over the place.


I have also attached a screenshot of the Waypoint Edit screen. That's where the 3192ft came from. Does Plan-G populate that field from the database or is it for input? I tried editing that value later but it cannot be changed.

Scenery loaded: ORBX NZSI, Global, Vector and FS Ultimate. Oceania set in FTX Central.
I also use Mapbox Terrain in Plan-G
Plan-G database is freshly re-built

Questions: is this a known bug when flying in NZ? Does it have to do with ORBX add ons? Is there a remedy?

thanks and sorry for rambling on

Plan-G / Re: Build 93
July 21, 2014, 06:06:26 PM
I too love Plan-G  :)

question? Is it possible to change the colour of the Flight Plan Track?

Plan-G / Re: small problems with Plan-G
July 14, 2014, 12:09:36 AM
Thanks Tim,
Today, I did figure out the Rt Click on the leg, in the plan, and make it active. That works fine.

Oh, so the arriving at waypoint is a time thing, not distance... no wonder I am getting the alert when I'm right on top of it. Might be a useful enhancement to make that a menu selection in Settings.

Plan-G / Re: small problems with Plan-G
July 13, 2014, 07:16:11 PM
WOW... 43 reads and not a single comment  :o

someone, could at least tell me RTFM... I have, but still cannot find answers to these problems

Plan-G / small problems with Plan-G
July 09, 2014, 06:46:44 PM
Hi Guys,
I have a couple of problems...

1) I "think" I have the warning distance to an upcoming waypoint set to 3 nm (default setting) File\Options\GPS Panel, BUT I always get warned at 0.3 nm instead, and if I'm not right on top of the WP I don't get any alert at all. I suspect that I'm doing something wrong.

2) Plan-G loses it's mind occasionally  :P... I fly with UK Virtual Gliding Assoc and of course we do "endless" circling in thermals. Often, while I'm circling Plan-G will lose track of which is the next WP in the task and would like me to go off in some other direction. Yesterday, one of the guys in our group flight said, "right click on the next WP and Plan-G will reset itself". I tried that but couldn't see anything in the Context Menu that would do that.

thanks... any ideas will be appreciated
Hey, it worked.  :)

I hadn't thought of using the Files/Print menu... I was using the Quick Print icon, and that doesn't work.
Strangely, it took about 2 minutes to generate the PDF.  :-\  Needless to say NOTHING takes 2 minutes on my PC!!

Maybe, I did something wrong when I installed CutePDF

Hi  Guys/Gals,

I entered the demo flight in the manual (Carlisle to Liverpool).

1) when I was done, of course, I wanted a hard copy of  the flight plan. I do not have a printer attached to my Flight Sim system so I use CutePDF Writer to generate PDFs and then send them to another PC for printing. That works for everything except the Flight Plan. I can generate PDFs for email, text files, graphics and a Flight Plan Map from Plan-G3... just not a text Flight Plan. Anyone got any ideas? Or any ideas on a better solution. Don't suggest, buy another printer  8)

2) when I was flying with Plan-G3 open and tracking my flight, I clicked on Plan-G3, then FSX paused when it lost the focus. Is this normal?

other than those things... everything seems GREAT... I love it  :)


Win 7 (64 bit)
i7 Core 3770k, 16 MB RAM
triple 27" ASUS monitors
FSX running on it's own 480GB Solid State drive