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Messages - jparnold

Plan-G / How to speed up screen repaint
July 16, 2012, 07:50:48 AM
I have a fairly fast PC and cable internet connection yet when I change the zoom level or move the (Google) map it takes a long time to repaint  the screen in fact at times I get the following warning -
Stop running this script?
A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.
Of it continues to run, your computer may become unstable.

I don't ever have this problem when using Google Earth.

Is there any method to increase this speed (eg change some setting or open ports on router etc) as I find it annoying.
I am wondering if there is an easy method of selecting a particular starting point for a flight plan which is either a GATE or PARKING position.
Plan-G displays a top down image of the airport with all the various GATE and PARKING positions and hilights where a selected GATE is but at very large airports there can be dozens of those locations and choosing one which is say close to where the runways are can be very time consuming as they are not necessarily in alpha/numeric order.
Flight Planning / Re: Flight plan
July 15, 2012, 12:30:12 PM
Hi Tim

Thanks for your quick replies which were nor expected during a weekend.

I am able to access files in the mapped drive.

HOWEVER I have solved my problem (of being able to use Commander to create flight planes from a remote PC ). I already have Commander installed on BOTH PCs and have build the scenery database on the PC which also contains FSX SO I COPIED ALL FILES in the FSC9 folder from the PC which has the database built to the PC which is remote from the 'FSX' PC.

I just wanted to be able to use Commander to create/edit flight plans remotely NOT to connect it to FSX when running.
I assumed that the copy would also copy any database which had previously been built and it seems that it did.

Thanks again.
Flight Planning / Re: Flight plan
July 13, 2012, 11:52:17 PM
Sorry I must not have expained myself correctly.

I am talking about the flight plan which can be printed out by selecting QUICK PRINT from the drop down menu under 'Flight Plan' (3rd icon from the left on the Home 'ribbon').

The plan printout which shows all the waypoints, Dist, Alt, G.Spd Track Heading Time and all the departure and arrival airport information.

I would like to be able to SAVE that information as a file which then can be printed out by anyone who doesn't have Plan-G

Also is it possible to set an airspeed value to fly over each waypoint. For example most if not all airports have a maximum airspeed when flying under a certain altitude.


Flight Planning / Flight plan
July 13, 2012, 01:36:23 PM
Is there a method of creating a file containing the Flight Plan rather than printing it?
The reason for this query is that I am a member of a multiplayer session which 'flies' predetermined flights each Monday night. I have been creating flight plans (.pln) files for distribution to those who fly the routes and it would be good to be able to send them the flight plan for printing.

Also is it possible to set different groundspeeds at each waypoint for correct speeds when say flying below 10000 feet (eg max 250knots). rather than have the same ground speed for the entire flight.
Plan-G / Entered text is only half displayed
July 03, 2012, 12:02:36 PM
I have recently download Plan-G and started to use it.
Firstly what a great program. I still have a lot to learn (and maybe part of that learning would address the following question but just in case it doesn't here it is).

When I am prompted for an IDENT (for a VOR, NDB etc) for a flight plan waypoint only the top half of the characters I entered are echoed on the screen making it difficult to verify what I am typing.
Is there a way to configure PLan-G to rectify this?
Thanks   John