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Messages - cyborgx

Hi Tim/OviOne,

Finally found the solution to the database build-problem. Changing from decimal comma to decimal point before generating the database made the difference.

Thanks for all help!
Quote from: OviOne on August 31, 2012, 09:29:38 AM
Hello again, I finally got it working. Here is what I did:

I tried it in a virtual machine and it worked fine, then in my system, I uninstalled all .NET Framework 4 entries and all the SQL Compact entries. I restarted and launched the Plan-G v3 installer. It downloaded .NET Framework and SQL Compact.

Once completed, I launched the program and I got an error message saying that I haven't installed .NET Framework 4. I went to this page and chose the correct optión and a new .NET Framework 4 installer started. When it finished, everything worked fine (no need to reboot).

Thank you anyway for your time. I expect this to be useful for someone.

Hi OviOne,

tried your solution, but without success. Same thing as allways happens - the program freezes when trying to generate the database. Log-file enclosed. Help appreciated!
Thanks a lot, Chuck. You have already helped me a lot here.

Did some more experimenting, here. Reinstalled X-Plane to a different disk. Tried Build 49 of Plan-G.
Same thing happens. Just hangs right after starting building the database. Looks like I'll be stuck with version 2.0.5 for some time....

Hi, Chuck.

After pressing OK, I get "Preparing database for new data - Processing, please  wait......" And then nothing. The progress bar doesn't seem to move at all.

Hi again.

Allright, here we go. Log-file included. I deleted the old logfile before trying to generate the database. The result is what you see in the enclosed logfile.
I have installed som custom scenery over time, perhaps the problem is somewhere there. Thanks for all feedback, guys.

Hi again, Chuck.

Thanks for a great advise regarding the update-process - I did overlook that little beta-option...... so now the program is 10.10 beta 9. But (there's always a "but") generating that database still causes Plan-G to freeze....(and I'm feeling a little frustrated over what I normally consider a very nice application). I also have version 2.0.5 og Plan-G installed (which works just fine in combination with xpuipx-plugin).

Any ideas?

Hi Chuck,

Good idea, but after downloading the installer/upgrader (and getting about 4 megs of new files), I still get the message that I have version 10.05r1. The "About X-Plane" menu tells me I'm up to date.
Trying to generate the database still gets nothing but hanging.....

Am I missing something here? How do you guys get to update it to 10.10 Beta 9?

Quote from: tim arnot on August 17, 2012, 08:44:11 PM
Can users with DB build problems please try this new build, and report back:

Download the archive and unzip it into the desired location. DO NOT overwrite the installed v3 files, since I don't know if doing that will muck up the uninstaller for the next update. You do not need to uninstall your current v3.

Don't forget to run the new build not the old one. ;)

When you report, please state X-Plane, FSX or FS9. Thanks.

Tried this version, without luck. I am using X-Plane 10 (version 10.05r1) on Win7 64-bit. Same thing happens every time I try to generate the database - the whole thing just hangs. Generating the database for Microsoft Flight Simulator X works fine. Any suggestions?