
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - OviOne

Plan-G / Re: Test version
December 03, 2016, 12:46:23 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on October 21, 2016, 12:20:44 PM
I also need the following new items translated into Italian and Spanish. If you can help, please add your translated text to this thread. Thanks.

  • Reset Tool Windows
  • If popup tool windows don't show, they're probably outside the window area. This button will restore them to their normal position. Needs restart after use.
  • (Restart Plan-G After Use)
  • Legacy Maps
  • Other Maps

I think this could be pretty accurate. Not a friend of caps use, so I changed some words to lowercase:

  • Reubicar ventanas de herramientas
  • Si no puede ver las ventanas flotantes, probablemente estén fuera del área de la ventana principal. Este botón las devolverá a su ubicación normal. Requiere reinicio del programa.
  • (Reiniciar Plan-G después de usar)
  • Mapas antiguos
  • Otros mapas

Hope this helps.
Good to hear. Hope that helps other people  ;)
So cool! Thanks for it.

In the Countries tab, any button seems to work (letter or "go up"). On Firefox.
Plan-G / Re: Display of User Waypoints
September 04, 2012, 12:02:34 PM
Quote from: RKillins on September 03, 2012, 02:13:48 PM
I'm having a problem with the display of custom user IFR waypoints. I use the "User Waypoint" GUI to enter new IFR points along my routes, but despite ISEC, ISEC (unamed) and IFR waypoints selected for map display, my points do not show up. I've entered two points so far. One does not even display on the map. When I use Find>User Waypoint and select it, it centres the screen to where it would be, but no icon. The second point, eventually displayed an icon, but no text.


Also ... any way to change the font?

I have some similar issues with non appearing waypoints and airports sometimes and I solved them by turning off and on the "Map Overlays" option in the View tab.
Plan-G / Re: .Net 4 and PlanG 3
September 03, 2012, 04:48:33 PM
Just guessing... It would be a permissions issue. If you're on Vista/W7, try to create a new user account member of administrators. Login that user, install .Net and then reboot with that new user. If you success, you have to look for your regular user permissions...
Plan-G / I offer myself for translating plan-G to Spanish
September 03, 2012, 04:46:33 PM
If there aren't people who are doing it already, I would like to translate the program. I have good skills (specially from English to Spanish, of course ;) ), and I'm familiarized with aeronautical vocabulary. Of course I don't manage to ask for money since we're talking of a freeware program which I'm using many times.

Keep in touch if you agree with my purpose.
Quote from: cyborgx on September 02, 2012, 01:33:01 PM
Hi OviOne,

tried your solution, but without success. Same thing as allways happens - the program freezes when trying to generate the database. Log-file enclosed. Help appreciated!

Hi there. You haven't the same error that I did. You're on X-Plane and you didn't seem to have a SQL database error... Follow the instructions from Tim, mate. Also maybe the problem is with your "Aerosoft - EBBR Brussels" scenary since Plan-G throws the errors just after reading the data from it. Try to disable it.

Good luck!
Hello again, I finally got it working. Here is what I did:

I tried it in a virtual machine and it worked fine, then in my system, I uninstalled all .NET Framework 4 entries and all the SQL Compact entries. I restarted and launched the Plan-G v3 installer. It downloaded .NET Framework and SQL Compact.

Once completed, I launched the program and I got an error message saying that I haven't installed .NET Framework 4. I went to this page and chose the correct optión and a new .NET Framework 4 installer started. When it finished, everything worked fine (no need to reboot).

Thank you anyway for your time. I expect this to be useful for someone.
Of course I can. I just thought it wasn't necessary. Here it is.

I would like so much to get it working since I am also having issues with the v2 (not at building the database).

Thank you!
Hello all, I'm becoming crazy...

I've read all the relative posts in here but didn't help very much, so I decided to register and create a new one.

First of all, I have to say thanks to the developer for this great freeware program, thanks for the big effort!

I use Windows 7 64 and FSX.

I installed the Plan-G v3 and it freezes just in the moment it tries to create the database (just when you can see the "Writing 70927 Airways" message) throwing this error in the log:

BuildDatabase_Executed: System.ArgumentException: El proveedor de almacenamiento especificado no se encuentra en la configuración o no es válido. ---> System.ArgumentException: No se encuentra el proveedor de datos .NET Framework solicitado. Puede que no esté instalado.

Which in English would be more or less this: "The specified storing provider wasn't found in the configuration or isn't valid. --> System.ArgumentException: The requested .NET Framework data provider is not found. It may not be installed.".

I have installed .NET Framework 1, 2, 3.5 and 4. Also I have installed the Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 both manually and automatically from the Plan-G installer. I also installed IIS since I had uninstalled it long time ago.

Plan-G v2 builds the database without a problem.

I have tried the releases 46, 47, 48 and 49 with exactly the same results.

I have read the posts "Building Database for X-Plane freezes everytime." and "Net Framework 4 error at PlanG v3 startup" with no success.

It's quite sure that the problem is something about that Compact SQL server (do I need also the complete version of SQL Server?).

So I wish you can help me! Thanks in advance.