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Messages - Gaiiden

Plan-G / Re: Click and drag flightplan editing
September 27, 2012, 05:05:57 AM
It has nothing to do with creating a waypoint - that process is fine now.

I don't mind the ability to snap to stuff like intersections and such which is why I say have a toggle rather than get rid of it entirely. My main issue is that to prevent the waypoint from snapping (and being renamed in the process, another inconvenience if I've already renamed it) I have to make everything visible on the map other wise I won't know an intersection is there when I go to drop a waypoint. And rendering everything slows things down and just clutters the view
Plan-G / Re: Click and drag flightplan editing
September 25, 2012, 03:12:03 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on September 10, 2012, 10:10:14 AM
Have you played with build 49? You can arbitarily right-click anywhere on the map to add a temporary waypoint. And if an existing waypoint is selected in the plan grid, you can insert them before/after it too.

Hi Tim, sorry haven't thought to check back on this thread until now. I downloaded build 50 and thank you very much for addressing these concerns! Glad to be able to place a waypoint without adding it to my database then drag it where I please.

However as golfbravo stated earlier there is still an issue with waypoints choosing to lock on to stuff like airports and intersections if you happen to place them close enough (and unless I have them all enabled to display on the map I won't know until I drag a waypoint somewhere and it comes up named for a map object rather than the generic "wpt#"). It would be nice to be able to switch this ability off.
Plan-G / Re: Click and drag flightplan editing
September 09, 2012, 10:26:31 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on August 18, 2012, 07:47:42 AM
But you can still grab the waypoint markers and reposition them on the map.
Somewhat true. You can reposition them over some other marker like an intersection or airport or user waypoint, but you can't place them in an exact location of your choosing - they will always snap to the closest map marker of some sort.

I must agree the lack of free-form route planning is the one major annoyance using V3. Other than the bother of having to create each individual waypoint rather than simply dragging the route line around, my main concern is the fact that I'm bloating my user waypoint database with a lot of waypoints specific to just a single flight route.