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Messages - bpearson

Deleted Plan G from normal program files location on my computer.  Installed Plan G Build 50 on my second hard drive.  Set up plan and Lo and Behold it works!!!!!    Thanks to ALL

Does anyone have something that will work on one computer??????
Have found the requested file but do not know how to get it to you.  Tried to get it to copy to this form,  also tried copy and paste. 
     Not much of a geek.  Am wondering if I need to start with latest Manual and Plan-G and work in second Hard Drive instead of the normal drive since I'm using Windows 7.
Using Windows 7, downloaded Plan G to standard location, clicked on icon,  it worked wonderful for a few days.  Now when I click on icon start page appears for a few seconds and then disappears.  Am not a comp whiz.
       What information do you need?         This program allows me to really enjoy FSX and I will do anything within reason to get it going.

                                                                                                                                                               bpearson       at      205 956-2048
I have used Plan-G for about 4 days.  Got it working yesterday wonderfully.  Great program.   Can not get it to activate today.  What happened??????          bpearson