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Messages - dIIb

No, it's not the standard Airac from X-Plane. I got it from the x737FMC (FMC for X-Plane). It seems to be converted from Navigraphs data.
I also have problems in generating the database with XP 10.10 and Version 3 Build 47 and 50. The process is freezing at the point "Schreibe 0 Instrumentenanflüge(5)".
I tried different X-Plane versions (9&10) - but without success. I've attached the log-file - may be you can help me.

Before some weeks I get it on - but now nothing works.

With best regards

Edit: The process is running fine with the X-Plane standard earth_fix.dat or earth_nav.dat. I have updated it with current Airac - may be there is the error?