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Messages - fredl109

The Reporting Point / Suggestions for POI
December 11, 2017, 03:16:34 PM
Hello Tim Arno, in the first place I wanted to thank you for your great program, it is really perfect for VFR flight and my friends and I use it to make network flight plans.
But I would like to ask you a question, is it possible to have in place of the star used to mark the location of a remarkable point a series of small icons to differentiate these points. For example a castle icon for a castle, one for churches, one for a bridge and so on, without you having to redo all your program, just a file that would incorporate them.
I'm telling you this because when you do discovery flights like I did to be able to show a particular area of ​​the globe to my friends at the VA AMC, that would be handy, and I noticed that often the text that accompanies the points of interest is often truncated which does not say what this point represents or the story that accompanies it.
Attention Tim Arno it is only suggestions, far from me to impose something, I love this program and I use it very very often.
Sorry for that English translated by Google mine being really bad.
Best Regards Fred
Plan-G / Re: Test version
February 04, 2017, 03:14:18 AM
Hello everyone, hello Tim Arno. I am flying with my network forum and we are using version 3.1.4 beta and so far we have not had any particular problems with this version. We fly with P3D and link that fact with FSUIPC in Pipe mode. Thank you for your excellent program which is the must for VFR flight.

Best Regard Fred
Plan-G / Re: PlanG V3 crash with open or save
January 14, 2014, 04:32:37 PM
Hello and thank you Tim Arnot for your quick response, so I expect version 3.10 to resolve my problem.
Best Regards Fred
Plan-G / PlanG V3 crash with open or save
January 13, 2014, 11:43:19 PM
Hello everyone, I have a problem with plang V307.71, this is a very good program but I can not open or save a flight plan, the crash prompted systematically program. For information I moved the folder "My Documents" to another disk. I looked in roaming if I did not find the solution and I noticed that the paths Simulator FSX and that of sceneries were very present but not backups, maybe it's the problem, but how remedy please.
Best regards Fred

PS: sorry for my english