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Messages - joshoram

V4 Beta / Re: Build 223
September 15, 2020, 11:27:37 PM
I'm still having the same database build error as was happening in build 221. I can't see in the log file now what is causing it. I tried to do the build with latest Navigraph data as every other software I use has the updated AIRAC data so I don't want Plan-G to be behind.
V4 Beta / Re: Build 221
September 12, 2020, 01:50:43 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on September 12, 2020, 12:27:36 PM
Quote from: joshoram on September 12, 2020, 11:42:58 AM
Here is the log file. The only addon I have added since the previous build worked was the new Navigraph AIRAC data.

Well, there's your problem... ;)

I'm gonna have to declare Navigraph AIRAC data as unsupported, at least until I've got it installed here. For now, you'll need to move the Navigraph folder outside your MSFS content hierarchy while you build the database.

There's a bunch of other airports in your Community folder that are giving problems. I wonder if you can provide links so I can sort those  out:

msfs-EGCA (msfs-EGDF also appears to contain a copy of EGCA)

(the first one throws the same error as the Navigraph airports, so fixing that may well fix the Navigraph issue too)

aw-airport-ensd-anda is from

The others starting with msfs are from the same site. There was a discord server hosting a pack that contained a lot of the scenery\liveries etc from the same site but I think the server as been removed and I can't find the DL link. All of them are available separately from anyway.

Since the pack doesn't seem to exist any more I will probably download them all again anyway from another source.
V4 Beta / Re: Build 221
September 12, 2020, 11:42:58 AM
Quote from: tim arnot on September 12, 2020, 10:14:56 AM
Quote from: joshoram on September 12, 2020, 05:05:56 AM
I am encountering an error when create new FS2020 Databases

14:04:16.4 LOWZ
14:04:16.5 StartBuild_Executed: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Plan_G.Model.BGLSCAN.Scan() in C:\Users\Tim\source\repos\Plan-G\Model\BGLScan.cs:line 414
   at Plan_G.ViewModel.BuildDatabaseViewModel.StartBuild_Executed() in C:\Users\Tim\source\repos\Plan-G\ViewModel\BuildDatabaseViewModel.cs:line 140

I am using the LOWZ airport from Gaya Simulations, but it did not cause any error when building using Build 220

Could you attach the full log file please? (I have the LOWZ addon, and don't see that error)

Here is the log file. The only addon I have added since the previous build worked was the new Navigraph AIRAC data.
V4 Beta / Re: Build 221
September 12, 2020, 05:09:32 AM
Scratch that. I removed the addon version of the airport and got exactly the same error.
V4 Beta / Re: Build 221
September 12, 2020, 05:05:56 AM
I am encountering an error when create new FS2020 Databases

14:04:16.4 LOWZ
14:04:16.5 StartBuild_Executed: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Plan_G.Model.BGLSCAN.Scan() in C:\Users\Tim\source\repos\Plan-G\Model\BGLScan.cs:line 414
   at Plan_G.ViewModel.BuildDatabaseViewModel.StartBuild_Executed() in C:\Users\Tim\source\repos\Plan-G\ViewModel\BuildDatabaseViewModel.cs:line 140

I am using the LOWZ airport from Gaya Simulations, but it did not cause any error when building using Build 220
After having come back to P3D after 6 months of no PC I did a complete reinstall.
I have no issue using the default FSX database in Plan-G, but when i create a P3D Database and Display P3D Data it is not finding any of the default scenery. Looking at the logs, it found 97 airports, all of which are payware of freeware.

16:33:08.5 Scanning Scenery.cfg (C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Scenery.cfg)

and there is nothing in the log after that about scanning or finding any airports.
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G Tutorial .pln not loading into FSX
December 27, 2012, 07:24:11 AM
Definitely an issue with the ILS approach into Liverpool. Loading the plan back into Plan-G and removing all the waypoints apart from the one at LPL NDB and the plan loads fine
Plan-G / Plan-G Tutorial .pln not loading into FSX
December 27, 2012, 06:40:51 AM
I have followed the tutorial included in the Plan-G manual and exported it as a FSX .pln file however when I load the plan into FSX, nothing is load, ie there no airports listed under Departure and Arrival and the waypoint list is completely blank.

I tested it by making another simple flightplan direct from one airport to another and it seemed to load fine.

Using build 51 of Plan-G and FSX with Acceleration Xpac.

Any Ideas why?

Plan is attached. May not be the correct one but I hope so