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Messages - PearlyG

V4 Beta / Re: v234 Move Aircraft To Here
November 17, 2020, 08:34:15 PM
Tim, I also cannot move aircraft in MSFS with v234 and could with v233 or v232 (not sure which since I did not try that often)
PearlyG (Jim)
V4 Beta / XPlane 11 Connection
November 17, 2020, 08:30:35 PM
Hi Tim, I cannot connect to XPlane 11.50 + with V4 234 and XPUPIC. (The XPlane database builds OK if that means anything.) I have tried to connect with previous V4 versions to no avail also but hoped it was an issue to be fixed later. I saw you mentioned that it should work so tried again. I have 2 versions of XPUIPC and neither works. My newest version works fine with Plan-G (have not tested older version). Other than Choosing XPUIPC in connections and hitting "Connect" is there something I am missing?
PearlyG (Jim)
appreciate all your hard work on Plan-G, it is a great program
V4 Beta / Re: Build 225
September 20, 2020, 11:05:46 PM
Just found out it is FSX Xpack version 10.0.61637.0
V4 Beta / Re: Build 225
September 20, 2020, 09:50:53 PM
FYI, I found a fix to problem (when i connect....the normal sound doesn't trigger saying that Plan G has connected....Plan G appears to connect and the disconnect button becomes available but my position isn't shown on the map).
To Fix it I added simconnect.dll dated April 6 2020 with a size of 45 KB to the Plan-G folder. Don't know what program it came from but it works and the simconnect.dll (mine dated 7-22-2020 size 57 KB) from the SDK does have the error above.
V4 Beta / Re: Build 223
September 16, 2020, 06:54:10 PM
FYI to confirm Tim, I have the same connect problem as Tomair. My 221 worked fine, 223 is silent, Disconnect shows but no plane icon shows. I have not done any further testing as of now.