
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - wildcat64

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G no longer visible?
October 17, 2020, 05:02:46 PM
Hi Tim,

No, off course not, but now I have and all is well again! Thank you very much for your quick reply with solution! Much appreciated!

Happy greatings from Belgium!

Jan aka WCT64
Plan-G / Plan-G no longer visible?
October 17, 2020, 03:26:58 PM
Hi all,

I have been working with Plan-G without any problems for a long time now but after a computer crash today I can no longer see the main map after starting up the program. I see the icon of Plan-G at the bottom of my screen but no map visible. I use 2 monitors and even changing the position (left-right, bottom-top) in Windows nor deleting/reinstalling Plan-G v. doesn't seem to do the trick. Any advise or help much needed and appreciated.

Desperate greetings from Belgium.

Jan aka WCT64     
Plan-G / Re: "Track up" instead of "North up"?
April 23, 2020, 02:08:16 PM
Thanks Tim for your quick reply. No problem, still a very great program off course which I use on an almost daily basis. I was just curious!  ;)
Plan-G / "Track up" instead of "North up"?
April 22, 2020, 03:31:21 PM
Hi all

I just wandered if it is also possible to get the map "track up" instead of the standard "north up"?

Greatings from Belgium and keep it safe all!

Jan aka wildcat64
Thanks Tim for your quick reply and solution! All works fine again! I feel so stupid but also very grateful!  ;D
Hi all

I'm using the most recent version of the magnificent Plan_G v3 ( on a top notch Win10 desktop pc. The Plan (shift-1), Information (shift-3) and Aerodrome (shift-4) View doesn't seem to work anymore although they worked fine before, just like the other views still do. What happened? I'm using 2 monitors and recently I changed the configuration from 2 side by side monitors to 2 monitors 1 on top of the other. Has this something to do with it? I already changed the Windows view to cascade but I don't see the forementioned views anywhere anymore. Any help or advise is much appreciated?

Greatings from Belgium and keep it safe!

Jan aka wildcat64
Plan-G / Re: VRP's and Airspaces
March 23, 2020, 07:26:53 PM
Thanks Tim and ... no hurries!  :)
Plan-G / Re: VRP's and Airspaces
March 23, 2020, 09:45:02 AM
Hi Tim

Thanks for your quick reply; much appreciated!

I'm glad to hear that 2) and 3) are on the wish list and even considered for future release(s). I'm already looking out!

Considering 1) I took 5 consecutive screenshots from the EBAW area with 17 (!) VRP's:

  • VRP button engaged/orange --> VRP's visible on map (photo 1)
  • VRP button disengaged --> VRP's still visible on map (photo 2)
  • Airstrip button engaged/orange --> VRP's disappear and are no longer visible on map (photo 3)
  • Airstrip button disengaged --> VRP's still not visible on map (photo 4)
  • VRP button engaged/orange --> VRP's again visible on map (photo 1 again)
Greatings from Belgium.

Plan-G / VRP's and Airspaces
March 22, 2020, 10:34:53 AM
Hello Tim

First of all a big thank you for your magnificent and very useful program Plan-G!

After years of using the military sim DCS I recently went back to my first love of VFR flying with General Aviation. I therefore use X-Plane 11.41 and the awesome Marchetti SF260D from Simcoders/J.Rollon. I also reinstalled Plan-G v. and managed to download/install the DEM data and the Airspace Boundaries using openair data from Looks even greater now!

I also succesfully added some VRP's but I have a few questions about them:

1) It seems that VRP's are switched off by disengaging Airstrips en switched back on by engaging VRP? Just reporting this abnormality maybe already known to you.

2) Is there a way to make the identifier name of the VRP's visible on the map?

3) Is there a way to change the orange bullet icon for VRP by a blue triangle inside a circle?

Just wandering, no hurry but it would even look better than it already does!

Thanks again and keep it safe!

Greatings from Belgium.

Wildcat64 aka Jan