
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - lordofwings

They are in the proper subdirectories (scenery & textures) under AddOn_Scenery. I noticed that if I configure it for the Scenery.cfg found in my App_Data/Roaming the problem appears but if I select the sCenery.cfg found in ProgramData then it correctly finds all my sceneries.
Plan-G / Database build fails to recognize add-on airports
September 19, 2015, 12:37:55 AM
I have several add-on airports installed in the standard AddOn_Scenery folder of FSX and I indicated in the FSX database builder where my FSX is located as well as the roaming scenery.cfg of my user profile. It goes about building the FSX database but none of my add-on airports appear in the map anymore.
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G v3.1 not starting
August 31, 2015, 06:01:30 PM
Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bits. Running the latest s/w updates from Microsoft. I have .NET 4.5.1 and 4.5. Tried to install 4.0 and it says it won't install it because I already have that or a newer version.

Is there a way to remap that to 4.5? or perhaps have a 4.5 build? This was my favorite planner but has stopped working.

With my Visual Studio I also noticed that anything below 4.5 simply WILL NOT compile on my system. I tried with a simple default application (default form) and configured for 3.5 and 4.0 and it would just hang forever. When I changed it to 4.5 or 4.5.1 it compiled.
Plan-G / Re: Plan-G v3.1 not starting
August 19, 2015, 05:22:34 PM
No command line option that would show me an exception of some kind? Which .NET version does It expect? I reinstalled Plan-G and it did not give me any error regarding missing .net libraries.

Due to problems I had to uninstall .NET 4.0 but I have 4.5 and 4.5.1 installed. If I attempt to install 4.0 it says "Your installation will not happen. The same or HIGHER version is already installed".

Is there any way I can map to 4.5 on the configuration file? neither 2.0, nor 3.0 nor 3.1 run on my computer now.
Plan-G / Plan-G v3.1 not starting
August 18, 2015, 07:54:46 PM
I have v3.1 installed on my computer but when I try to start it nothing happens. I tried executing it from the command line in hopes of seeing some console error messages but nothing. It simply lives for about a few milliseconds and then exits without giving ANY error at all.
Plan-G / Airway name tooltips no longer showing
December 12, 2013, 06:27:37 PM
In v3 I never (ever) get the airway name tooltip to appear when a hover the airway. This makes it impossible for me to make flight plans suitable for use on the virtual airline (Virtual Pilots) where I have to enter also the airway name between a segment (two waypoints/beacons/etc) or my flight plan gets rejected.

Last time this ever worked was in v2. Now I have to either use v2 or plan with both v3 and v2 which is not what I want.

Please bring those tooltips back.
Plan-G / Carenado PA46T (Piper Malibu ) aircraft profile
December 12, 2013, 06:24:49 PM
Need I say more? I need the aircraft profile for the Carenado Piper Malibu PA46T (FSX) and also for the Aerosoft Twin Otter (DHC6)
Plan-G / Re: Airway names not showing up in v3
September 12, 2013, 05:06:33 AM
And has this issue been solved? I still rely on my Plan-G v2.05 for this so that I can submit flight plans to my VA, otherwise they get rejected.
Plan-G / Re: Airway names not showing up in v3
July 17, 2013, 02:44:57 AM
Surely you are joking (Mr. Feinman) ;-) the "VFR Planning"  motto for this excellent piece of software is not only an unfortunate choice but a misnomer. In fact I think it should be changed to just "flight planning" because if it was purely VFR then there would be no IFR button on the ribbon bar ;-)

I hope that is resolved soon. So far every time I have to create a new flight plan I use v3 and then finish my FP with v2 to find out the airway names :(

Has the project been archived? I haven't seen much "movement" in quite a while.
Plan-G / Export problems in v3
July 16, 2013, 07:15:19 PM
Version 3 include many nice features such as instrument approaches and I believe also alternate airports. However, if I specify an alternate airport or use an instrument approach selected into the FP with the PlanG feature and then export it as FSX Flight Plan, it is okay as long as you don't use it with FSX.

Opening such FSX flight plan in FSX either doesn't load properly in FSX or doesn't load at all (we know FSX is crappy). Perhaps some of those things should be omitted when exporting to FSX. I personally always store my FP in PlanG and FSX format, I do miss being able to export to IVAO IvAp flight plan format.
Plan-G / Erratic map behaviour in v3
July 16, 2013, 07:12:07 PM
In v3 I am experiencing other problems I didn't have in v2, or at least in v3 they seem to have aggravated. For example, when I load up and go to the Map mode, even though all the options are checked (Large airports, Small airports, Victor airways, VORs, etc.) the map usually shows none.

I have to for example, uncheck the option (no change in the map, obviously because no item is being shown) and then check it back again and then the item in question will pop up in the map again.

I constantly have that issue during a Plan G session, I think the problem occurs when you zoom and pan or perhaps move the map then the application erases the items but forgets to display them again.
Plan-G / Airway names not showing up in v3
July 16, 2013, 07:08:36 PM
When I had v2.0.x which I still have BTW, it had a very nice feature. When you hovered an airway line, it would show a tooltip with the following information:

  • Airway name, i.e. V19, A250
  • Minimum Enroute Altitude

However, as of version 3.0, that behaviour seems to have gone away. That is a pity because if you want to make good flight plans (as some VAs require) you need to know which airway you are travelling on and the Minimum Enroute Altitude

Any plans to bring that back? I really miss that, for that reason I haven't really done a full transition to v3
Plan-G / Re: v3 Tooltips on airways
February 01, 2013, 09:55:00 PM
Nobody else has noticed this omission? it worked fine in v2 and it is a very important feature, essential for flight planning. I am reverting to Plan G v2.05 until this issue is fixed.
Plan-G / Re: v3 Tooltips on airways
January 26, 2013, 03:01:14 PM
The information window lists information about the airspace not the airway. When preparing flight plans you need to know the airway so that you can write it in the route field of the flight plan (VA, IVAO, etc.).

              DEXAN ul214  MAPIT   u45 STG

and so it goes. v3 doesn't show such tooltip :(
Plan-G / v3 Tooltips on airways
January 25, 2013, 05:34:08 PM
I have both v2.05 and v3.0 installed and I have confirmed that in v2 when I hover the mouse over an airway line a tooltip appears showing the name and MEA of the airway.

On v3 however I don't see that tooltip appearing no matter how much I roam on top (or around) the airway line.