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Messages - fellop

Plan-G / Re: Weather Selection
January 19, 2013, 09:08:21 AM
Hi Tim,

Many thanks for the prompt reply.

Yes Active Sky does use its own server and it is always, or I have found so anyway, about 2 or 3 hours old, so if I fly for example [FS] at 1400hrs UK local Active Sky feeds weather into FS and produces METARs from somewhere around 1130/1230hrs and it then updates and evolves weather conditions for FS as time goes by but always with that 2 or so hour lag.

As I only fly now UK VFR/IFR [must keep the instrument rating current] light aircraft at best a flight may only last [in real time] 2 or 3 hours and so AS never catches up in time; I depart from Point A with weather two hours old and transit B,C,D [etc] and arrive at Point E in weather that is two hours old.

So if I select NWS within Plan G at least it will give me the correct [what is outside my window] weather etc and then I can use that to manually update/correct/override some of the settings within AS or even [dare I say] the default FS9 global weather download.

Thanks again


Plan-G / Weather Selection
January 18, 2013, 08:01:14 PM
Good Evening,

New Boy here,

Just a quick question if I may re weather setting.

I use FS9 on a Desktop with AS 6.5 weather; I have Plan G on a laptop with WideFS. I am unsure what weather option I should select under options in Plan G,
Download weather from NWS or Display Nearest Weather or Update Local or some combination of the three or all three or does it not matter if I use AS 6.5 live update feeding FS.
I have looked at the manual but Section 8.7.9 Weather is, to me, a little confusing when it refers to FS X.


It's been a long time since Solent Airlines Tim, nice programme by the way.