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Messages - dnunes

Plan-G / Re: Delayed Aircraft Position
October 25, 2017, 02:20:35 PM
I am only using user aircraft. How should say that yesterday I made another test it seemed much better. I will check the aircraft refresh rate.


Plan-G / Delayed Aircraft Position
October 24, 2017, 03:25:43 PM
I have now installed PlanG for P3Dv3, after having used it for FS9. Everything went without problems except that there is a significant delay in the position of the aircraft. When approaching an airfield this is clear as PlanG shows the aircraft really far away. When the aircraft stops PlanG still shows the aircraft moving for at least one minute. Could this happen because I am displaying PlanG on a second monitor?


Plan-G / Re: DEM Files
January 22, 2013, 02:46:37 PM
Thanks! I have now found it, and what is more interesting, I already had the relevant file (l10g) in my computer! I have downloaded it again, as it might have been updated.


Plan-G / DEM Files
January 21, 2013, 06:49:37 PM
I had the DEM files installed for Plan-G V2. Today, after installation of Plan-G V3, I deleted all the V2 elements and only after that I realized that I had lost the DEM files as well. The problem is that now I cannot figure out where I can get them. Will someone help me, please?

