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Messages - aimer43

Plan-G / Re: Unable to run Plan-G
January 28, 2013, 03:21:39 PM
I solved the problem.

I deleted v2 and v3 of Plan-G and also .net v4.5.
I reinstalled v2 of Plan-G and let it install .net v4. This worked.
I then reinstalled v3 of Plan-G and let it install .net v4.5. This worked and v2 of Plan-G was still working.

I have no idea why the original installation didn't work but now I am a happy bunny :D. Thanks for the help.

David A

Plan-G / Re: Unable to run Plan-G
January 26, 2013, 08:45:13 AM
Attached is a copy of the Event Viewer details for this problem. I'm afraid it means nothing to me.

David A
Plan-G / Re: Unable to run Plan-G
January 25, 2013, 05:53:39 PM
I found the log file for version 3 which I have attached. I can't see any obvious problems with it. All of the files in the Data folder are there except for PlanG3_NAVI.sdf. When I try to run it all I get is a Windows message saying "Plan-G3 has stopped working" followed by "An unhandle Microsoft.NET Framework exception occured inPlan-G3.exe [6520]".

Did you spot anything with the version 2.05 log file or have you stopped supporting that?

I am sorry to be a pest but I would really like to use this software, it looks great from the manual, just what I want.

David A
Plan-G / Unable to run Plan-G
January 25, 2013, 09:17:34 AM
I have installed Plan-G_V2.0.5.493 on Windows 7 as recommended by "Return to Misty Moorings", but I get an error referring me to the log (copy attached). I installed to c:\TA Software\ Plan-G v2 and ran as administrator. I have Microsoft.Net Framework 4.5 installed.

Any help would be appreciated.

I also installed the latest v3 version but that doesn't even generate a log file. Could there be a common cause?

David A