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Messages - lostpete

Plan-G / Re: Build X-Plane Databse greyed out
April 14, 2021, 11:13:21 AM
Perhaps you could point me to the relevent instruction - Have the same  problem  or email direct
Plan-G / Plan-G synk
April 26, 2014, 04:36:02 PM
Hello all - Maybe you can help  - I find that Plan-G (however much I like it ) seems to be very out of sync with the FSX view - It seems to be slow on the 'refresh rate'  Is there a way of speeding it up or am I just missing something again  - Been using it for a good while now  - Many thanks  Pete
Cockpit Chatter / Re: Plan-G and Teamspeak
May 12, 2013, 06:26:13 PM
Thanks for that Tim - I am aware it is a stand alone program (Though yet to master it ) but wondered if there might have been a way to  link other Plan-G users via TS -  I think it is a bit much to ask but that along with the AI aircraft shown on the mapping and actual users of Plan-G would make a great combination..........  But then I am happy with what I have - Thank you for that  - Regards  - Pete
Cockpit Chatter / Plan-G and Teamspeak
May 12, 2013, 11:20:18 AM
Hello - Great fan of this program - and amazed at what it can do  - I know the 'Google Map' and the like are now inop and offer the use of 'Tileproxy' if anyone really wants to fly  in other places that they havnt got photo scenery for  - But wondering along - I would think the aircraft shown moving around the Plan-G are the AI aircraft ? - Sooo - Wondering if Plan-G could be linked to  something like Teamspeak for chat with  real session pilots   - Just a thought  - Again thanks for a great prog - Pete
Cockpit Chatter / Re: satellite maps in Plan-G
February 26, 2013, 11:17:08 PM
Hello - Thanks for the tip - I am trying a program that seems to use  various map servers - and not being a computer boffin just studying the various formats in statements to see if there was any way  I might be able to get one of these into Plan-G
I think it is a great program in its own right - I really am trying to see what my efforts could do
Best mapping program I have ever seen - Thank you - Pete
Cockpit Chatter / satellite maps in Plan-G
February 20, 2013, 11:43:04 AM
Hello all. Great program, and the work that has gone into it is really exceptional. I was a little disappointed when Google  Maps were dropped (but understand the reason), and I believe that if any suitable 'satellite' maps become available they might be included in later versions of Plan-G. That would be great and as I see there are already a few map options I wonder if 'Bing Maps' as used in another similar product would be acceptable in terms of adding to the list, or do they charge a exorbitant fee?   In a long gone post there was a mention of playing around with the 'config files', so I am going to have a look with your permission.    I also believe that this program is really  worth paying for...........
Plan-G / Re: Google map display in FSX
February 17, 2013, 09:53:19 AM
Thanks all for the replies - Pity about that it would have been nice to see the 'satellite' view  - Thanks again for the program
Plan-G / Google map display in FSX
February 16, 2013, 03:19:47 PM
Hello Folks - First off I need to say what a splendid program Plan-G is  - I have been a FS/FSX fan for many years and this is by far the best 'add-on' to the enjoyment and very educational - But please could I ask for a little help from anyone  - I have FSX running on Win 7 /64 - also have Plan-G on the same machine but in its own folder out of the 'program files folder

Both work very very well except that try as I may I can only have a detailed chart type Plan-G - I notice that in the example screenshots the display is of Goggle Maps type display with the little 'option' buttons at the top RHS - I cannot get these to show in any way - Soooooooooooo  What am I doing wrong  - Any help appreciated - Thanks  Pete