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Messages - spark2007

Flight Planning / Re: Where is EGCO in plan-G??????
April 11, 2013, 10:36:21 PM
lol, so it is!!!

Thanks Tim, I found EGC0 in the end, im going to attempt to fly the plan now!!
Flight Planning / Where is EGCO in plan-G??????
April 11, 2013, 06:33:37 AM
Hi all

This is my first post. I've just started to use plan-G.. Its amazing so far......

I am currently following the tutorial of a flightplan in plan-G's manual. I have gotton as far as adding Woodvale aerodrome EGOW, which is fine. BUT after this the manual says "Right‐click Birkdale Sands airstrip (EGCO) to add it to your plan". The problem I am having is EGCO is not on the plan-G map. I have zoomed and carefully looked for it but it simply isnt there. I cant progress with this tutorial without this location. When I goto FSX and type in EGCO, there is an airport but when I load it up there is nothing there just sand...Could somebody please tell me how to overcome this

Thanks !!!