
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Messages - ronzie

The updated waypoint file link is covered in this thread. Renaming solved the problem. Yes, there are are some slight discrepancies with FS9 placement as forewarned by the author. He determined the region but I can correct those errors. He also defined named and unnamed as enroute and other. I'll change the IAF to a terminal waypoint.

The default VOR/DME FS9 approaches I imported and used as an example had both K3 and K5 regions which did not make sense but I used those mixed for these new transitions. I'll modify those.

Thank you for looking at this.

I am using Plan-G to proof my updated approaches of airports of interest. I also recommended it to an FS9 enthusiast who appears to be cash strapped to use as a moving map to show these new waypoints. I also pointed out it helps with terrain situational awareness.

Very nice application. Thank you for it.

Did you find anything wrong with the KANE ILS27 transitions in the .bgl file? The Plan-G log seemd to see them but does not list them in the approach selection dialog for ILS27. The main part seems to display OK including the missed legs.

Here is the airport bgl file link:

Here is the (renamed) updated intersection file I installed in FS9:

It other than minor location changes it is stated to be used for FS9 and/or FSX.

Here is the ADE 9 display for KANE ILS 27 Transition STILS:

Do you want the ADE 160 FS9 project file?

I also wonder if this is a bounds issue on the waypoints if you acquire the nearest waypoint on a slight displacement.

Using Airport Design Editor I added an ILS navaid and approach using current named waypoints added to FS9's scenery list and also showing in Plan-G to feeder airport KANE. There was no default ILS navaid. Plan-G though is showing different waypoints than I designed into it.

First, here's the IAP plate I worked on:

Here's a screenshot of Plan-G with ILS 27 Approach selected:

Note also the transitions are not offered. Here's an extract in xml format of the approache in the af type .bgl file:

What is showing are waypoints used by default other approaches.

Now in the intersection database there is some duplication of intersections including T-Waypoints and unnamed custom intersections from the intersection update downloaded database with slightly shifted positions. Some of these are used in the other imported default approaches yet were used for my designed approach although not designated. I also noted in order for this approach to show I had to designate the leg waypoints as not fly-over so there would be a two mile radius or else the approach would not load into Plan-G at all.

In the screenshot plan section you can see the added waypoints are not what I used as shown in the xml extract. That and no transitions are offered.

The XML approach section appears to follow the FS9 bgl SDK standards plus tutorials from the ADE folks.

The Plan-G log on a data build shows this .bgl file was listed near the beginning of the scan list and the line shows the five transitions and eleven waypoints.

Do you have any ideas as to these discrepancies?

Here from the Plan-G log is the Approach read when I selected it:

23:34:35.2 APPROACH: ILS 27
23:34:35.2  8 IANE CF
23:34:35.2 MISSED:
23:34:35.3  CF fix: GEP VOR Crs: 268 7.409895 (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:35.3  HM fix: GEP VOR Crs: 084 0.001 turn: Right (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:55.9 APPROACH: VORDME 27
23:34:56.0  RUNWAY RW27 CF
23:34:56.0 09 27
23:34:56.0 MISSED:
23:34:56.0  CF fix: GEP VOR Crs: 264 13.33781 (Rec:GEP rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:56.1  HM fix: GEP VOR Crs: 084 0.001 turn: Right (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:56.1 TRANSITION D050R GEP
23:34:56.1  IF fix: D050R TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 000 0 (Rec:GEP rho: 33344.53 theta: 50) Flyover: False
23:34:56.2  AF fix: CF27 TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 050 0 turn: Right (Rec:GEP rho: 33344.53 theta: 84.4) Flyover: False
23:34:56.2 TRANSITION D103R GEP
23:34:56.2  IF fix: D103R TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 000 0 (Rec:GEP rho: 33344.53 theta: 103) Flyover: False
23:34:56.3  AF fix: CF27 TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 103 0 turn: Left (Rec:GEP rho: 33344.53 theta: 84.4) Flyover: False
23:34:56.3  IF fix: GEP VOR Crs: 000 0 (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:56.4  TF fix: TOURI TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 000 0 (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:56.4  HF fix: TOURI TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 264 0.001 turn: Right (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:56.5  HF fix: TOURI TERMINAL_WAYPOINT Crs: 264 0.001 turn: Right (Rec: rho: 0 theta: 0) Flyover: False
23:34:56.5 Finished reading transitions

and these are not what I designed.

Now the full XML file has the usual delete_all_approaches=TRUE. I did import the default approaches which are RNAV and GPS. So it does see the ILS I added but not the legs as I designed them and shown in the extracted xml from decoding that bgl file.

Any ideas?

Plan-G / Re: Importing Fixes Database
August 21, 2014, 11:42:27 PM
Thanks. I looked at the log after the prefix changes and it gives a waypoint count :)

The application is in the case of an FS user who wanted in-flight dynamic assignment of destination runways and using the default GPS was was outdated for current charts, Plan-G now lets him see current waypoints as he wishes to add them. He can use Plan G for additional viewing and control of default aircraft.

Are the Plan-G approaches pulled from FS or other database and are they updated if so once in a while.

I already made some procedural suggestions to him.

Plan-G / Re: Importing Fixes Database
August 21, 2014, 03:24:54 AM
I took out one erroneous entry in additional sources. Here is the structure of the fix bgl file:

FS9/AddOn Scenery/Intersection Updates/scenery/worldINT.bgl, no texture folder.

is entered as an additional source and also entered in the FS9 Scenery Library just above the default Continental folders.

Here is the log extract of the database build regarding these two entries:

20:42:25.7 Building database for FS9
20:42:25.7 FS directory is: H:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\
20:42:25.7 Processing AdditionalSceneryLocations.txt
20:42:25.7 Scanning folder H:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Addon Scenery\Intersection Updates
20:42:25.7 Scanning Scenery.cfg (H:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Scenery.cfg)
20:42:26.8 Scanning folder 223: Addon Scenery\Intersection Updates

20:42:26.8 Scanning folder 222: ..\..\..\CommonAddonScenery\SabaSABA
20:42:26.8 Scanning folder 221: ..\..\..\CommonAddonScenery\SabaROADS
20:42:26.8 Scanning folder 220: ..\..\..\install Ivanona\Project_Ivanovo\Addon Scenery\Ivanovo_UUBI_2012
20:42:27.0 UUBI_ADE9_ADE.BGL Apts: 1 Vors: 1 Ndbs: 4 wpts: 34 Approaches: 5 Bdys: 0
20:42:27.0 Scanning folder 219: ..\..\..\CommonAddonScenery\Ivanova_2012\Ivanovo_XUDN
20:42:27.0 AF2_XUDN.bgl Apts: 1 Vors: 0 Ndbs: 0 wpts: 0 Approaches: 0 Bdys: 0
20:42:27.0 Scanning folder 217: ..\..\..\CommonAddonScenery\Ivanova_2012\Ivanovo_XUDI_2011

Now I notice no count of any fixes in the two scans of that file as shown on airport afd type file scans.

Any ideas?

Plan-G / Importing Fixes Database
August 20, 2014, 08:57:06 AM

PlanG V3

I am having a problem adding an updated world fix database to Plan-G during a database rebuild. The intersection it adds does not show up in the intersection database. An xml translation shows it is in there and it shows in the FS9 Flight Planner map and database.

The fix is coded as follows:

I tried two ways to declare the file:

It is in the FS9 scenery database as stated confirmed by its presence in the flight planner. I also pointed to the same folder I created called intersections (with the scenery folder under it) entering it as an additional source in the build.

I also tried placing the bgl directly in a folder named world fixes with no scenery folder in it just to be used as an additional source for the Plan-G database build.

None of these methods resulted in these waypoints being in the Plan-G intersection database using the Find/intersection search or by right clicking on a plan row to add a waypoint of type intersection above.

Any suggestion as to why the bgl is not being imported either from FS9's scenery setup or as the additional build source?

The updated fix list can be downloaded from: and clicking on the World Fixes title which is the download if you need to test this.

Thanks for checking and perhaps telling me what error I am making.