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Messages - airernie

Plan-G / Re: Plan-G v3.2.0.144 won't create FSX database
November 02, 2017, 03:03:38 PM
Okay.. It looks like it might have been an issue with the scenery.cfg. 

After letting SceneryConfigEditor reset area and layer numbers and reorder the file the problem seems to have been resolved.

Will let you know if anything changes..

I'l get you one in a few days.   I installed two older FSDreamTeam airports since my original message and it does appear to be working now.   

Although it now works, including the fsAerodata folders gives me inconsistent results.  In other works;  Things I expect to increase such as Airspace Boundaries, VORs, NDBs, Intersections, Airways, etc. do so, but things like Aprons and Taxiways decrease.

Perhaps that's okay.. I just want to run a few more tests.

Plan-G / Plan-G v3.2.0.144 won't create FSX database
October 25, 2017, 05:12:14 PM
Haven't had Plan-G on my computer for a while, so I installed the latest version.  Tried creating the FSX database on the same computer where FSX is and it only reads a couple entries, creates db info for them, then quits.

I have FS9 on a second computer and the Plan-G appears to write the db there without issue.

Have attached the scenery.cfg file and the db that was created.  Added suffix of .profile since allowed file types don't include .sdf and .cfg.

BTW, if I enable the fsAeroData entries, then Plan-G does read and add those into the db, but those are the only scenery areas that Plan-G will process.

I installed a copy of the X-Plane 10 demo and have been trying to create a Plan-G database for it.  I have tried multiple times, even using Navigraph data once and in every instance it hangs at the importing/creating runway data.

This morning I even tried an re-installation of Plan-G and it once again hung up.  I eventually have to close the dialog box. 

If I reopen Plan-G, the "Display X-Plane 9/10 Data" icon is highlighted, but I attempt to use the data, the only thing that shows up are airfields.  No VORs, ISECs, etc.

I do not have this issue with the FSX data import.

I have attached a copy of the log file and data files.

Plan-G / User Waypoint Names
November 23, 2015, 05:12:04 PM
When viewing Airports, VORs, ISECs, etc. in Plan-G both the symbol and name of the waypoint are visible on the map.

However, with user defined waypoints only the symbol appears making it difficult to visually locate the waypoints.

Would it be possible in a future version of Plan-G to include the label (name).

Also, I'm not sure if it's my installation or not, but the items in the user waypoint list in the 'Find' option aren't neatly aligned like the Airport, VOR, ISEC, etc. find dialogs.


Thanks for the explanation..

I'm a FSX user, but it looks like the fake xplane.exe thing is worth exploring.

Thanks Tim,
I realize that I misstated my question.  I meant using Navigraph data as a replacement for the Plan-G database. 

However, I did some additional forum searches and the answer appears to be "not at this time".

Can I assume by your comments that could also use a Navigraph database in FSX also?

If so, how?

Plan-G / Re: KMZ Airport Icon
March 29, 2015, 03:41:08 AM
Since I initiated this topic I thought that I would comment on what I found out.  The graphic itself is being pulled from the Google Maps site, so there is nothing that can be done in Plan-G regarding its size.

However, after researching the KML/KMZ file format I was able to reduce the display size of the graphic by changing the value within the <scale></scale> tag. 

If interested, the information can be obtained at Reference.
Plan-G / KMZ Airport Icon
January 03, 2015, 10:18:28 AM
I've recently been using the FTX Freeware Airport KMZ file that has been created by an Orbx user with Plan-G.  It's a great feature, but the icon used to display the airport is a bit overwhelming.

Is there a possibility that the icon can be reduced in a future release of Plan-G?

Plan-G / Aircraft Profile Speeds
August 04, 2013, 07:33:47 PM
Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but couldn't find it.  Are the "V" speeds in the Aircraft Profile entered as KIAS or KCAS?

My Cessna 172H POH has them in both.  I'm guessing KIAS, but want to confirm.
