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Messages - stanfitz

Plan-G / Re: How to edit Altitude in Plan
March 04, 2014, 01:44:20 PM
Thanks for telling me what my problem was.  All fixed now and I can edit my flight plan.
Plan-G / Re: How to edit Altitude in Plan
March 04, 2014, 02:40:49 AM
Thanks Chuck,

I didn't think of that.  I'll give it a try.
Plan-G / Re: How to edit Altitude in Plan
March 04, 2014, 12:00:31 AM
Don't know but I'll give it a try.

I never saw anything in my plan that said "passing altitude".

Just a heading that said "ALT" and I couldn't click on it.  Only thing I could do was right click and then I got a menu that allowed me to move lines up/down etc.

I'll see if I can find Passing Altitude.
Plan-G / How to edit Altitude in Plan
March 03, 2014, 05:06:55 PM
I'm new to Plan-G (and love it), and have a minor problem.  I'd like to edit the Passing Altitudes for fixes in my flight plan.  It says you can do it, but I haven't figured out how.  Can anyone point me in the right direction to be able to do that?
Plan-G / Re: Can't print
December 10, 2013, 03:49:28 PM
Thanks so much.  It was the weather as you suspected.

I can print out things just fine now.

Happy Holidays
Plan-G / Re: Can't print
December 10, 2013, 03:39:21 PM
Thanks for the info on where to find the ability to attach a file.
I'll go work on the weather and see if I can print now.
Thanks for the info.
Plan-G / Re: Can't print
December 09, 2013, 04:08:32 PM
If there is no one that can tell me about the printing problem, I'll just live with it.
But it would be nice to know how to add the log file to my post.
I can't find anything to add the file.

Can someone please tell me how to add the log file to my post?
Plan-G / Can't print
December 08, 2013, 11:57:36 PM
I used to be able to print, but the last plan I made up I'm unable to print the flight plan.

I get the following error message:

Error Printing
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Please see log for further detail

I have the log file but can't find any icon to click on to attach it. (If someone can tell me how to attach the log, I'll send it)

or write me at and I'll send it via email.

Any ideas on what I need to do to be able to print?