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Messages - Jive1

I have my PlanG on a second computer and FSX on my first computer. The necessary maps have been opened on both computers; the worldmap has been loaded through network, every ting seems to be OK, except Connecting the map to FSX on the first computer to FSX on the second computer does not work.
I don't know what can be wrong. Where should I seek for any fault?
Jive1 - Belgium
Snippets / Satellite map
May 28, 2017, 10:43:37 AM
Is there a possibility to have a moving map with satellite image instead of only a simple map?

Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 26, 2017, 03:39:52 PM
Hey! Tim,
My problem is solved!
Sorry for keeping you all the time busy for nothing....
You know, I told you that I switched tot another release of FSUIPC.... That was wrong of Mine.
I went back searching through in my 1TB archived files, and I found my original FSUIPC + WIDEFS back. Oh boy, I'm so lucky now.
I re-installed that original versions of both FSUIPC and WIDEFS and everything is working fine again!
In the mean time I'm using also your last version of Plan G and even that works fine with my original FSUIPC and WODEFS.
So, please; excuse me for keeping you also searching for a solution for my problem all the time.
Many, many thanks Tim!
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 24, 2017, 03:34:34 PM
Hey! Tim,
That issue of the language cannot be the origing of the eror in my situation. I have installed in original language.
I'm afraid that ib my case it might really a FSUIPC-error, and I don't have any knowledge on that item.
I'm using FSUIPC v3.999z9a and I don't see no INI-file in the modules folder; opposite to previous versions of FSUIPC. And unfortunately I lost my previous FSUIPC and WIDEFS versions.... So I cannot ge back to that previous versions...
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 23, 2017, 03:12:47 PM
I found the popup window with telemetry data, it's the PFD-window.
Well, all values there are on zero, 0kts,9ft,heading north level 0 and bank also zero.
Now I must find out why FSUIPC does not sending telemetry.... Right?
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 23, 2017, 02:38:56 PM
Hey! Tim,
I'm very sorry....
I don't know where I should look for a GPS popup window...
In the Options Menu I see a GPS Panel, and when I open it, I see several data, but there is nothing what I could understand as telemetry data of aircraft....
Please tell me where I should find that?
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 23, 2017, 06:26:50 AM
I wonder....
Has this error to do with Windows 10?
Why did it not show as long as I was working with Windows 7 and why show all three the different versions of Plan G yjat I was using in those latter days the same error when I work under Windows 10?
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 22, 2017, 08:05:41 AM
Indeed, I mean like the 4 lines you mention...
But in my last logfile, there were other lines "after" these ending lines that have been shown, so I am little bit confused why these lines are there...
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 22, 2017, 07:54:43 AM
I was wondering....
The map is now not showing the location of my aircraft, opposite to what I experienced all the times before. Usually the map was jumping to the location of my aircraft. And also, when I moved to another location, it used to snap back, not  this time. The position toggle of my aircraft is always "Lock".
About the TCAS range, I've never known such a thing. I noticed now, Limit TCAS range (0=off) is set at 40nm, but I've never before changed that value. Since I'm using now a more recent version of FSUIPC, it is possible that with my previous FSUIPC version that value has been different, I don't know that.
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 22, 2017, 07:08:34 AM
Hey! Tim,
Good morning,
Presently, v.3.1.4, connected, both Plan and FS9 started as administrator
I made a new database this morning, see logfile attached
( Note: I can never be sure that loading the database is complete. It is never the same last line. Could there be a marking as a last line in the file, always the same, telling that the database is indeed complete? )
In "Options":
User aircraft marked as "Display (F6)", and
Traffic marked as "Show moving"
both checked.
That has been the same for all three versions with whom I experimented....
No aircraft visible, but own made afcads and own made airports are visible on the map.
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 21, 2017, 03:48:29 PM
I have now downloaded and installed V3.1.4.123, I loaded a new database and according to the logfile the whole database for Plan G v3.1.4.123 is OK.
Nevertheless, I have similar ( = same ) results: I can see open the map of Plan G own-made airports, own-made afcads as well, but no airplanes.
My FS9 says on top of screen: ... with wide server 1 connected.
Both Plan G and FS9 show that WideFS also is working well.
What could I have done wrong, so that my airplanes of FS9 do not show on the map of Plan G?
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 21, 2017, 02:24:49 PM
I can see anything on the map except airplanes. I can see own made airports, I can see own made airport diagrams ( afcad )...
I've now changed from v3.1.2. tot Version using the database as is. Same result! No airplanes!
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 21, 2017, 10:30:37 AM
No more assistence?
Nobody can help me?
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 21, 2017, 06:51:06 AM
Hey! Tim,
Attached is the logfile of my FSUIPC... Seems ok?.....
Jive1 - Belgium
Plan-G / Re: Test version
May 21, 2017, 06:45:32 AM
Hey! Good morning Tim,
I understand what you tell now about the IP addresses.
But I don't understand the following....
I started FS9 an PLan G15 minutes ago. First I started PLan G without Administrator facilities, and there was no real connection between both. I could see that, because on the Plan there was no mentioning about a VOR and a heliport available at EBAW Antwerp where my plane was on a parking spot.
ThenI realised I had to start with administator facilities, so I restarted with administrator facilities, and I se that both the heliport and the VOR at EBAW are visible now on the Plan.
If what you told me just in your last message, ten my computers would not recognize eachother, and no data would have been transferred from FS9 to Plan G, nor would the VOR and the heliport at EBAW be visible on the Plan now. And though, they do.
The only thing seems to be that ni aircraft of FS9 is recognised bij the Plan G...
And that is what I do not understand...
Some more suggestions for me? Some settings that are wrong?
Jive1 - Belgium